Vocabulaire anglais
Cours : Vocabulaire anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Milaaa691 • 11 Mai 2021 • Cours • 307 Mots (2 Pages) • 502 Vues
Un Histogramme : a bar graph
Un Tableau : a table
Un Camembert : a pie chart
Un Logigramme : a flow chart
Un Graphique avec des courbes : line graph
Une Carte : a map
Un Plan : a plan
Un organigramme : organization chart / diagram
L’ordonnée : vertical axis
L’abscisse : horizontal axis
Lige continue : solid line
Ligne discontinue : broken line
Ligne en pointillé : dotted line
Baisser : Fall /go down/ decline/ lower / decrease / cut / drop/ reduce
Augmenter : increase/ rise / grow / go up / gain/ improve
Monter en flèche : to rocket/ soar / skyrocket
Dégringoler s’effondrer : Plummet/collapse / to slump
Recouvrer : recoup/recover
Diviser par deux : halve
Se stabiliser : level off
Atteindre des sommets ou des records : to peak
Partie Consequences
Tourism is the sector which is the most victim of covid 19, in fact there have been fewer departures on vacation due to the uncertainty of travelers.
We have also observed a decrease in the number of hotel reservations and an increase in Airbnb or apartment bookings as restaurants closed so we had to eat at home.
Airlines and the hospitality industry are the most affected. (Shutdown during the first confinement).
Large parks such as Disneyland Paris have lost a lot of money, especially with the Christmas season.
The ski resorts are also affected and there is a big shortfall (they have already lost 3 months of turnover).
Partie solutions
Tourism will know major changes indeed it is now necessary to take into account the respect of barrier gestures, the closures of museums and closed places of visits, no restaurants ...
Thus we have observed an increase in local tourism during this crisis. (70% of the French stayed in France).
Despite this, we can say that the French state is trying to minimize losses by granting aid to these sectors, which despite everything remains insufficient in the long term.
We can say that it is a time bomb.