The french culture, Wladimir Collineau de Meezemaker
Étude de cas : The french culture, Wladimir Collineau de Meezemaker. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar vova_mzmkr • 8 Octobre 2017 • Étude de cas • 898 Mots (4 Pages) • 845 Vues
Wladimir Collineau de Meezemaker
English 080, T/R – 8.20 pm
Sept 28, 2016
The French Culture
“France, the most beautiful kingdom after that of the sky.”-Grotius. The French culture has been created by its geography, by its history, by its diversity and by its values: “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.”. France, and its capital Paris, has been influent in Europe as a center of high culture since 17th century and from the 19th century in worldwide. Since the late 19th century, France has also played an important role in cinema, fashion and cuisine. The importance of French culture has resistant over the centuries, because of its economic, political and military importance. French culture today is marked both by great regional and socio-economic differences, and strong unifying tendencies. It is why I want to explain how much the French culture is rich and beautiful.
France is considered like one of the most wonderful country in the world. We can understand that when we see its marvelous monuments, its diverse landscapes and its multitude languages. Each states have it kind of architecture, like in Paris we called that Haussmann architecture, in memory at Georges Eugène Haussmann. In the south, we call that provincial architecture, and in the west it is Breton architecture. A lot of famous architect came or come from France like Gustave Eiffel who build the Eiffel Tower or Maurice de Sully who build the Cathedral of Paris. France was knowing by it landscapes diversity. There a lot of different landscapes like sea in the south and the north, ocean in the west , mountain in all the east and in the middle. You can also see fields in each part of France. We really take care about the landscape and there a lot of associations for that like SPPEF. France is also knowing for is beautiful language who is sometimes designed like the most beautiful in the world with Italian language. But that the world doesn’t know is there is a lot of different languages speaking in France like in Corse, Bretagne or Pays-Basques.
In France, of share its history, we have a lot of traditions who are still alive. First and I think the most important, the culinary culture. France is knowing for its good food like “boeuf Bourguignon, and for its good restaurant like the Epicure in Paris or La Vignette in Strasbourg. Another tradition is the art. We have a lot of important French artists like Eugène de la Croix or Claude Monet. We have also a world famous art university in France who called “Les Beaux Arts.” The last tradition than I going to talk is the literature. There is a lot of famous writers who came from France like Saint Exupéry with The Little Prince, Albert Camus or Flaubert. There is also a famous thing that is knowing in all the world, the “Académie Française”, where the most intelligent French persons are.
I can’t talk about the French culture without talking about our luxury culture. Who don’t know that?! Our fashion houses are maybe the most famous because France is an example for that with the French Fashion Week in Paris, where all the fashion celebrities come to know what is the tendencies for the next season. We have also the most famous creators like Chanel, Hermes, Guerlain or Dior. You also know French luxury for the jewelry because it is a different kind of style, an elegant style. We have famous jewelry house like Cartier, Mauboussin or JAR. People know French life style too. We have the most famous palace hotel like The Cheval Blanc in Courchevel, L’Hoteldu Palais in Biarritz or The Ritz in paris. You know also France for cheese and wine, because it’s only in France that in a meal you will eat cheese between the principal dish and the dessert, and wine since the beginning to the end of it.