The American Dream
Dissertation : The American Dream. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar ClasseDeSix • 8 Novembre 2017 • Dissertation • 470 Mots (2 Pages) • 736 Vues
Terminale L The American Dream 16/10/2017
The question “what is the American Dream?” is a loaded one. There are similarities between answers, of course, but most people have their own specific idea, their own definition.
I, myself, simply think that it's hope. Hope for freedom, hope for a better way of living, a brighter future for you and following generations. I think it's hope for a better life than the one you are currently living.
Many centuries ago, a group of people called the Pilgrims fled England on board the Mayflower as they were being persecuted for their religion. They travelled to America where they formed colonies and found religious freedom. Over time, more and more people emigrated and found their way to America.
America became a place to go for the poor and needy, a land of dreams. Immigrants travelled there in hope of many things: work, freedom, riches. This was their American Dream and for some of them it came true. For example, Alexander Hamilton came to America as an orphaned teenager with almost nothing but the hope of gaining power thanks to his skill with a quill and yet he became future-president George Washington's right-hand man during the American Revolution and, once America was free from Britain, one of the Founding Fathers. His picture is now on the ten dollar bill and he has been remembered throughout history. He achieved the American Dream. However, this happened at the end of the 18th century; a lot of time has passed since then.
Immigrants kept arriving in the centuries to come but the larger the population got so did the distance between the people and the American Dream.
Once, America was a place where people longed to live, a land of hope and liberty but now it's a place filled with numerous hate groups and violence which the current President, Donald Trump, does nothing to resolve. In fact, he is even building a wall to keep Mexican immigrants out.
I think the American Dream existed long ago and perhaps for some people it still does but personally I have no wish to live in a place of such bigotry and terror. I wouldn't hope for a better life there.