Synthèse anglais, mythes et héros.
Fiche : Synthèse anglais, mythes et héros.. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar mairne • 15 Novembre 2016 • Fiche • 371 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 444 Vues
Synthese anglais : mythes et heros
I will talk about the subject Myth and heroes. A myth can be defined as a story about od or heroes, it can be popular belief, tradition or fasle notion. A hero can be a person who is admirated for his courage, with a lot of qualitie, who do the good,who change things.
So the american dream that a myth or a reality ?
American dream it’s the notion that american social, economic an political system make sucessfor everybody.
The drawing about immigrant arriving in NY illustrates the notion of myth because, first things who people see was the statue of liberty. It’s a symbol of liberty and hope to find a better life.
In the song « american land » of Bruce Springsteen, talk about a young man who leaving his country to settle down in america. This song is a good illustration too, because in this, realized that america was a weathy country, a land of opportunity where anything was possible. This song present a world who seems to be perfect, without problem. He says « gold rushing out of the river » is like an eldorado, a country of happiness and wealth. There are gold,l uxuary fabrics but american dream goes with the works All people living in USA can by there work, courage and determination be sucessful even start with nothing ? they are the self made man man like Andrew Carnegiewho was a poor immigrant who started from stratch and made a fortune in USA.
This illustration of the myth American dream who became true. there are present day selfmade men like Bill Gates
Today the american dream seems to be a myth,In the extract of « bread and roses » we can see a groupe of people who are demonstrating in los angeles in order to have the same right, better wages and respect from the other americans . This people are fighting for beautiful things of life. The time is really different as the time of the beginning of immigration.
To conclude we can say the american dream was a reality, but become a dreams . today the conditioned are more difficult and that hard for the new immigrants to find a better life so easily, even if they work har