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Synthèse mythe et héro

Cours : Synthèse mythe et héro. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Février 2019  •  Cours  •  538 Mots (3 Pages)  •  578 Vues

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  I am going to talk about the notion “Myths and heroes”. First of all, I would like to give a definition of hero. For me, a hero is either somebody who has super power or a person who has a lot of qualities, who has a lot of courage and who wants to help people.   In order, to illustrate the notion I have chosen two documents: 3 extracts from Shakespeare and Rita and education. This will allow us to answer more easily our question which is “Does ambition blind or encourage people?”. First, we will see that ambition blinds people and we will then see that it can also encourage.

The first document is made of 3 extracts of Shakespeare, they have differents stories. The first is entitled Macbeth and the 2nd is Richard III and talk about ambition and the desire to kill to take power leading to cruelty and madness. And the third extract is entitled Twelfth Night and talks about excessive ambition making people blind silly innocence. For the other document, Rita and educating, it talks about Rita, a hairdresser who’s taking evening lesson and discovering Shakespeare and has a motivation to know more.  

I think that ambition is something that encourages people in many things and can help them. In fact, ambition is a feeling of desire to succeed. It can push people to go beyond their limits, not to stay in their comfort, in their ease. Being afraid to do something, to go somewhere, this feeling of ambition will push them to go, to make efforts. In the end, they may have an excellent surprise like Rita who was afraid to go to Shakespeare’s play, prejudging that it would be boring and that in the end it turns out that it’s the opposite.  

However, an Excess of ambition can make people blind and bad. Indeed, too much success, pushes people to do rather cruel Acts and Completely disproportionate. They can become Completely Blinded by what they want to achieve and do anything to have it Whatever the consequences may be and no matter how immoral, cruel and unrealistic their actions like the Extracts of Shakespeare perfect examples. There is Lady Macbeth who drives her husband to kill the current king to take his place. However, ambition has Completely Blinded him and makes fun of other solutions are possible or to have a bad like in Richard III who is sly, cruel, calculating, conquering, pitiless, merciless and evil and just for power. We also have Twelfth Night where Shakespeare sends us the message ambition can make you blind. Ambition can mislead people because we only see the goal we want to achieve. We end up forgetting the consequences and the repercussions that this may have. Shakespeare is therefore passing on a pessimistic vision of ambition.

For me, this feeling of ambition is a feeling that must be well used. Indeed, for positive purposes such as helping people of feeling like Rita, here ambition is a feeling that I find particularly good. However, when we take it too much to heart this feeling can quickly become dangerous for the people around us and for our conscience.  


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