Space and exchanges : should multiculturalism be adopted by all countries ?
Dissertation : Space and exchanges : should multiculturalism be adopted by all countries ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Janembatard • 27 Novembre 2017 • Dissertation • 401 Mots (2 Pages) • 915 Vues
So, i will talk about the notion space and exchanges, and more precisly about MULTICULTURALIS. Multiculturalism is a policy adopted by canada in 1971 it allows all citizens to preserve their culture. Canadian multiculturalism is for that all citizens are equal, and keep their identities to have a feeling of security and making them more open to cultures. SHOULD MULTICULTURALISM BE ADOPTED BY ALL COUNTRIES ?
First I will talk about Why in canada multiculturalism is a good things
And finally I will explain How in the other country the policy of multiculturalism is difficult to be adopted
I/. Why In canada multiculturalism is a good things
. Multiculturalism is an ideology which is based on the idea that racism is engendered by ignorance. however, in Canada , it's more than that. Indeed laws have been passed over the years to guarante mutual respect .
.In toronto, the canada's capital, there are diferent district like chinatown and little italy, a district for each culture
So we have seen that multi is fundamental and quality appropriate to canada, because this is the first country who introdious that: is shows that canada is a country where people are equal and free. but, this ideology still has limite like the story of the father who killed his daughter that we seen on a report of cbc new's. she was killed cause she wasnt rly interested in the familiy's relegious belivef ( wanst wearing hijab)
This kind of murder is limited and can't take place on other country, like france or Uk cause they are secular (laique)
II/. How in other country the policy of multiculturalism is difficult to be adopted
In class, we seen an interview of the united kingdoms prime minister david cameron who said 'Multiculturalism had failed' and he said that multi is not a ideology but a negative doctrine who encourage people to live encourage lives. According to him multi has not only failed but its has also led to extremisme. Canada doesnt have the same history as the UK because in the UK imigration became a problem with the massive arival of imigrate with decolonization before that massive immigration UK had a strong national identity contrary whereas canada is country maid of immigrate
We seen that Multiculturalism cant be adpted by all countries cause they havnt the same history but without multi we have extremisme and terrosiste attack too with our secularism policy in france