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Questions Anglais Jazz

Cours : Questions Anglais Jazz. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Novembre 2022  •  Cours  •  343 Mots (2 Pages)  •  395 Vues

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Anglais Questions

  1. Which English football club has turned the famous Louis Amstrong’s song “When the Saints” into a song for fans ?
  1. Chealsea
  2. Tottenham
  3. Liverpool
  1. What is Ella Fitzgerald the most famous for ?
  1. Her musical skills with an instrument
  2. Her dancing skills
  3. The way she skats
  1. Why did jazz band created drums ?
  1. Because they were too poor to pay for a whole  band of percussionists
  2. Because it was easier to play all the instruments of once than all of them separatly
  3. Because an anonymous genious created drums
  1. Blues is known for a invention in music, which one ?
  1. A new way to play the guitar with the teeth
  2. Two new called the Blue Notes
  3. The invention of microphobe which created a new appeal for Blues
  1. Which movie about jazz and drums has recenty won the Oscar of Best Suporting actor ?
  1. Whiplash
  2. LaLaLand
  3. Bird
  1. In which famous film did Marilyn Monroe play the part of the lead singer in a jazz band ?
  1. Men prefer blondes
  2. River no return
  3. Some like it hot
  1. Which Oscar winning movie told the story of a black pianist travelling into the segregationist South of the USA ?
  1. Green Book
  2. The Pianist
  3. Forrest Gump
  1. What musical instument did Stephane Grappelli, a famous French jazzmen, play ?
  1. The guitar
  2. The piano
  3. The violin
  1. What is the current name of the former New Orleans’s basketball franchise ?
  1. Utah Jazz
  2. Chicago Jazz
  3. New York Jazz
  1. Who’s the greatest blues guitar player?
  1. Eric Clapton
  2. Stevie Ray Vaughan
  3. B.B. King


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