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QCM de grammaire

Guide pratique : QCM de grammaire. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Décembre 2020  •  Guide pratique  •  1 265 Mots (6 Pages)  •  521 Vues

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QCM #3

  1. Keep a _______ eye on the weekly expenses or they could get out of control.
  1. near
  2. close  (variante de keep an eye on)
  3. fast
  4. tight

  1. Filly's Fish Factory has done ______ its competitors in the past year.
  1. better than   (un comparatif)
  2. better as
  3. the best of
  4. best of

  1. The _________ of living is the amount of money that must be paid for food, housing, clothing and so on.
  1. level
  2. Price
  3. standard    (standard of living = niveau de vie)
  4. cost    (cost of living =coût)
  1. Ten people were arrested during the riots, which saw people ______ bottles and stones at the police.
  1. threw
  2. throwing      (on aurait pu hésiter avec 'throw' qui n'est pas proposé ici: BV-ing ajoute action en cours de déroulement)
  3. had thrown
  4. thrown
  1. The manufacturing firm employs several part-time assistants, which _______ Jane to catch up on her paperwork.
  1. allow
  2. allowing
  3. allows    (, which = ce qui permet à Jane de)
  4. is allowed
  1. The HR manager had his secretary __________ up a list of potential candidates for the job.
  1. drew
  2. drawing
  3. to draw
  4. draw   (to have s'1 do sth = faire faire qch à qqn; aussi to get s'1 to do sth)
  1. After the war, almost £20bn of material damage was reported; ten years later some of it ________ isn't repaired.
  1. still     (tjrs et encore = nuance de commentaire dépréciatif, d'agacement)    
  2. already
  3. always
  4. yet    ( It hasn't been repaired yet. En fin de phrase; pas encore mais peut encore se produire)
  1. They say that about 30% of _________ sales come from the Americas.
  1. the company's      (génitif classique)
  2. company's
  3. companies
  4. the companies
  1. It is the tourism sector that has the most to_________ from that new law.   (il manquait le to dans l'énoncé!)
  1. do
  2. earn
  3. win
  4. gain
  1. In 2001, the _________ received 24% of foreign investment into ________ EU, second only to _______ Netherlands.
  1. GB/the/the
  2. UK/the/-
  3. GB/-/the
  4. UK/the/the      ('the' devant les pays au pluriel: The Netherlands, The Philippines… mais aussi devant les pays constitués de +rs nations: The UK, the EU, the USA, the Arab United Emirates…  ou Republic 'The Cezch Republic'… )
  1. Peter Springer, chief ________ at KPMG, says that the Chinese domestic market is rising rapidly.
  1. economics
  2. economist
  3. economy
  4. economies
  1. Mr Dawson _______ to relinquish his benefits package if he accepts the new deal with the competitor.
  1. have
  2. has
  3. will have
  4. would have
  1. Today, Ireland's poor are slipping deeper into poverty after experiencing signs of ________ throughout the 1990s.
  1. improvement
  2. bettering
  3. approval
  4. adjustment
  1. The government proposed emergency help for America's airlines, which __________ a slump in passenger numbers.
  1. are suffering from   (Airlines et pluriel => are)
  2. are suffering of
  3. is suffering of
  4. is suffering from
  1. Manual workers are often absent from work due to difficult working conditions and a _________ of financial incentive.
  1. less
  2. short
  3. miss
  4. shortage     (ou a lack of)
  1. 40% of Chinese people now own their own homes, _______ practically zero a decade before.
  1. up to
  2. up from
  3. down to
  4. down from
  1. The American auto industry suffered a serious setback ________ 1990s.
  1. late in
  2. lately in the    (lately tout seul = récemment)
  3. in the late    (à la fin des années 90)
  4. in the end of
  1. When Eve was an apprentice, she _______ living on less than €800 per month; now she has a proper job and is delighted with a decent salary.
  1. was used to     (cf QCM#2 = to be used to + BV-ing)
  2. used to
  3. used
  4. had used to
  1. Jorgen Vig Knudstorp _______ a name for himself when he took over the leadership of Lego, the Danish toy manufacturer.
  1. made
  2. had
  3. did
  4. done
  1. The CFO was forced to resign in 2016. So _______ the Chief Operating Officer who had been recruited from Google.
  1. does
  2. has
  3. is
  4. was    
  1. On an impulse he _______ his civil service job and went on a trip a round the world.
  1. set down
  2. gave up
  3. gave in
  4. threw up
  1. The representative from New York was not present and ______ was the one from Berlin.
  1. as
  2. either
  3. so
  4. neither
  1. The shareholders are happy because all of the company's recent investments in Eastern Europe have been____ .
  1. beneficial       (avantageux)
  2. profitable    (rentables)
  3. benefitting
  4. profiting
  1. They received ______ mail that they could not process it all.
  1. so many
  2. so much     (mail n'est pas au pluriel ici, donc sg indénombrable "du courrier")
  3. too many
  4. too much
  1. _______ small local brands which do not have high spending power, the global brands can invest heavily in

communication and advertising.

  1. Unlike    (ou Contrary to)(opposition the small vs the global brands)
  2. Whereas
  3. Although
  4. Though

  1. We have _____ Friday to hand in that feasibility study on the Japanese market.
  1. at
  2. to
  3. for
  4. until

  1. This company _______ to many different low-cost manufaturers in Asia, which proves far more profitable than British production.
  1. Relies    (rely on )
  2. outsources   (externaliser)
  3. relocates    (to également  ou from (point de départ) mais, déménager, délocaliser)
  4. gives
  1. ________ tourists visited Canada this year than last.
  1. Less
  2. Much
  3. Fewer    (tourists = dénombrable pluriel et puis comparatif; much et less devant des indénombrables )
  4. Some
  1. ALCO has cut 15,000 jobs since it was formed by the ________ of Bristish Steel and a Swedish steelmaker.
  1. fusion
  2. takeover
  3. buyout
  4. merger
  1. Which of the countries on the periphery of Europe is the _______ at risk?
  1. Least    (superlatif = the least)
  2. less
  3. lesser
  4. lest
  1. The artifacts were ________ at an archaeological site in Mexico.
  1. dug
  2. founded
  3. undiscovered
  4. unearthed
  1. If you _____ so critical of his actions, he wouldn't be so unpleasant to work with.
  1. weren't               (ici, prétérit "modal" condition/imaginaire utilisé dans le conditionnel = were à toutes les personnes cf If I were you, I would….       (et non "temporel" = qui renvoie au passé)
  2. wasn't
  3. wouldn't
  4. aren't
  1. Jason calls in sick _______ there is an important meeting with head office.
  1. Whenever   (chaque x que)
  2. ever
  3. always
  4. at times
  1. I can see ______ about booking a trip six months in advance; in fact you tend to get the best deals.
  1. nothing unusual
  2. everything unusual
  3. anything unusual
  4. the most usual
  1. Many exciting things happened last week, but this week has been rather ________
  1. changeable
  2. uneventful   (tranquille, calme, sans événements)
  3. unpredictable
  4. inactive
  1. The interest rate went up _______ almost 5% in the space of three months.
  1. till
  2. for
  3. by
  4. at
  1. We're looking for someone who can ______ with the rest of the team.
  1. get up
  2. act up
  3. work off
  4. fit in   (s'intégrer dans)
  1. Nowadays, there are many companies offering next-day delivery for white goods, ________ ?
  1. aren't they
  2. aren't there     (cf question tag #2 QCM)
  3. are they
  4. isn't it
  1. Recently, he _______ to work very late. We'll have to speak to him about this issue.
  1. has been coming    (cf le bilan = present perfect #2 QCM)
  2. had been coming
  3. had come
  4. having come
  1. Mr Green read as much as he _____ on the subject of team building.
  1. would
  2. can
  3. might
  4. could    (read est au prétérit donc, concordance des temps)


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