Dissertation : Punisher. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Lynda Brah65 • 29 Avril 2019 • Dissertation • 452 Mots (2 Pages) • 485 Vues
Marvel' s The Punisher, or simply The Punisher, is an American TV Show directed by Steve Lightfoot . Broadcasting started in 2017 on the service of video at request Netflix.
Series stages Frank Castle, alias Punisher, a vigilante who fights crime by killing his adversaries rather than to deliver them in justice, who appeared in the second season of the televised series Daredevil. With Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and The Defenders, this series is the sixth declension Marvel for Netflix.
Frank Castle, more known under the surname of Punisher, he leaves in war against all criminals who are responsible of death of his family. He is going to discover that it hides a larger conspiracy than he had suspected it …
Punisher represents the mind of revenge and of personal justice. The world in which it evolves is squalid and hopeless. Cynical and pitiless, he always prefers killing his adversaries rather than to accept their capitulation to deliver them in justice. Recognizable in the white skull which adorns its chest, it is terror of the criminals. He is part of these characters black and psychologically unsettled such as Wolverine, Ghost Rider or Daredevil the success of which in 1980’s corresponds to a upsurge of violence in comics.
In his battle against organised crime, Castle, good that having no super-power except the intensive training which he suffered during his passage in the American, refreshed army of an impressive armory a part of which he always takes with him in his armoured van. It is a loner away from the community of other super-heroes because all, even Wolverine, condemn these expeditious methods.
In the temporal ladder of the world Marvel, Punisher is fixed, while the rest of this world is regularly adjusted in relation to contemporary epoch. So, Castle participated well in the war of Viêt Nam, contrary in other heroes linked to some epoch in this conflict and who, since, saw their origins evolving to recall a «conflict in southeast Asia» or even somewhere else.
Adapted to the cinema, its role is interpreted by the actors Dolph Lundgren, Thomas Jane and Ray Stevenson. He also appears to television in season 2 of the Daredevil TV Show and he also has the right to his own series The Punisher, interpreted by the American actor John Berthnal.
Part of the film world Marvel, series is produced by Marvel Télévision and ABC Studios.
The Punisher is a subtle series, a game of massacre where a brutal antihero imposes a dubious vision of justice. Frank Castle is undoubtedly a disturbing character, but his mission is more complex than systematic degumming. It is the painful march of a living death, of a death error, and it’s not what must be done.