Oral anglais à propos de JK Rowling.
Fiche : Oral anglais à propos de JK Rowling.. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar Myriame Malki • 29 Décembre 2016 • Fiche • 457 Mots (2 Pages) • 3 583 Vues
First, Joanne Rowling is known under the pseudonym of JK Rowling and known for her famous novel: Harry Potter.
JK Rowling was born on the 31st of July 1965 in Yate in England; her father was English and her mother French. She wrote her first story at the age of six, it was a story about a rabbit and its name was Rabbit.
Then, she went to the University of Exeter in England where she studied literature.
A few years later, in 1991, she went to Portugal to work as an English halftime teacher.
She married on the 16th of October 1992 with a Portuguese reporter: Jorge Arantes and they had one daughter in 1993, her name is Jessica Isabel.
But JK Rowling and Jorge Arantes divorced in 1995. So, after her divorce, she was living with her sister in Edinburgh.
On the 30th of June 1997, her novel of Harry Potter was published. Indeed, during a journey in train, she was thinking about a boy who didn’t know that he was a wizard and who was waiting a train to go to a wizard school, this is the origin of Harry Potter story.
Finally, after difficult beginnings, Harry Potter became a huge success in the world and JK Rowling a famous author.
➔ Connecteurs logiques
Chiffres en lettres:
- 31st of July 1965: thirty one of July nineteen sixty five
- 1991: nineteen ninety one
- 16th of October 1992: sixteen of October nineteen ninety two
- 27th of July 1993: twenty seven of July nineteen ninety three
- 1995: nineteen ninety five
- 30th of June 1997: thirty of June nineteen ninety seven
Qques mots en phonétiques mais n’hésite pas à regarder sur n’importe quel traducteur en ligne afin d’avoir la pronunciation :
- Known : on ne prononce pas le k ➔ nown
- Famous : faymous
- July : Julay
- England : Inglnd
- About : abawt
- Divorced : divorct
- Published : publisht
- Wizard : le i se lit normalement
• Un autre petit conseil, lorsque tu vois une virgule dans le dialogue à l’écrit, cela marque une pause lors de la lecture, c’est le même principe quand tu liras ton dialogue à l’oral ➔ il faut marquer des temps de pauses qui correspondent à la reprise de la respiration et qui permettent d’alléger le dialogue, éviter de faire un « gros paragraphe lu d’un coup », cela est vite lassant pour l’auditeur.
Les temps de pauses correspondent bien sûr à qques mini secondes, ils sont plus courts pour les virgules et un peu plus long pour les points.
(j’ai modifié qques petites choses pour que ce soit plus simple pour toi à l’oral et lors de la prononciation)
Bon courage, good luck ! ☺
N’hésite pas non plus à m’écrire par mail ou par message si tu as des questions.