Notion de progrés - SUSTAINABILITY
Fiche : Notion de progrés - SUSTAINABILITY. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Chloe Pallard • 28 Octobre 2015 • Fiche • 366 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 528 Vues
I'm going to talk about the notion of « progress » with the topic of « sustainability ».
Technological progress has made our lives a lot easier but it has caused many environnemental problems.
So I'm asking the question: Why and how should we protect our planet ?
First, I will explain what sustainability is and why we need it.
Then, I will talk about sustainable practises.
I. Definition of Sustainability
Sustainability means that things continue into the futur and go on for a very long time. For us, humans and for our planet, it means that it can continue to do what it was designed to do: provide fresh air and clean water, produce food and allow us all to have a high quality of life forever. But today, the Earth cannot do that.
The goal of sustainability is to reduce our dependance on fossil fuels and on chemical elements, reduce our destruction of nature and ensure we are not stopping people globally from meeting their need...
So, we need sustainability for save the planet. And I think everyone can make a move for the Earth.
II. Sustainable practises
There are several ways to protect our planet. For example, we can reduce waste by composting kitchen. We can save energy by using special light bulbs. Moreover, we can walk instead of using a car or we can eat organic food. It's doesn't take a lot of time, we can save money and we can reduce our carbon footprint.
But, some people act more to save the planet. For example, in class, we studied a photograph of a man who live in a yurt. He doesn't have runnig water or electricity. He has chosen a drastic way for reducing his carbon footprint.
Nowadays, new home « green » are built. It's the « Green Building ». It is a sustainable technology. A Green Bulding should be able to protect our health and the environnement. For example, if a house is well insulated, it save energy so it helps protecting the planet
To conclude, I think we should do something for the planet because we are responsible of her destruction due of advances in technology. Progress implies advantages for humans but also drawbacks for the planet. Is sustainability the path to a better future?