Notion anglais héros
Synthèse : Notion anglais héros. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar lepretre5 • 22 Juin 2020 • Synthèse • 410 Mots (2 Pages) • 499 Vues
The notion, i am going to talk about is heroes .
A hero can be a mythological or legendary figure or a person admired for his her achivements, qualities and great courage.
In class, we studied Superheroes : a document « Hulk comic cover »,
a document « the origin of the incredible Hulk »
and an oral comprension « « the social function of superheroes ».
We can ask to Why do we need superheroes in our societies ?
First, the document « Hulk comic cover » is the cover of the first issue of Hulk comic book written by Roussos and Reinman and publihed in 1962 . the aim of this document is to promote marvel comics and to introduce a new character, a new superheroes
Secondly, the document « the origin of the incredible Hulk » publised in 1965.
Dr Banner Dr prenkow are testing a new weapon : the gamma bomb. The experiment may go wrong. The bomb must explode.
The document aims at showing that superheroes hide behing an alternative identity as Hulk,
We need superheroes because superheroes are invincible and do not know defeat.
Thirdly , an oral comprehesion « the social function of superheroes ». superheroes possess superhuman abilities and secret identity. they protect people , and fight for justice.
For exemple,Captain America was created to fight the nazi regime.
Morever, Superman was created to denounce injustice.
Superheroes have evolued : good versus bad .
To conclud, we need superheroes because our culture and education taught us to find models and inspirations.
They are giving us hope. Heroes elevate us emotionally; they encourage us to transform ourselves for the better; and they call us to become heroes and help other