Notion anglais distopie
Commentaire de texte : Notion anglais distopie. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar kaci illona • 3 Mai 2019 • Commentaire de texte • 315 Mots (2 Pages) • 508 Vues
So I’m going to present you the notion of « the idea of progress ». First of all I’m going to give a definition. The idea of progress basically consist in believing that the world can become better un terms of art, sciences, technology and liberty. But a progress isn’t always good, it can be a negativ progress. We will see that, especially trough the genre of Utopia and Dystopia.
And, I’m going to wonder: In what extent can we say that there is only one step from Utopia to Dystopia?
We will first see two documents studied in class; a extract from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and the trailer of The Handmaid’s Tale both related to Distopia.Then my personal document; the trailer of a manga,SAO or Sword Art Online which link utopia and Distopia.
The first document is an extract from the books of the saga Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins in 2008.This extract is a crucial part of the story since it is the beginning of the game. To summarize briefly every year in Panem, The Capitole (the rich) organizes macabre games: The Hunger Games bring together the twelve districts to send a girl and a boy between twelve or eighteen to fight to the death. Only one of them will emerge alive. At this point of the story the games are about to begin. The twelve districts are gathered and waiting for the start. The games are therefore used as a means of exerting pressure on the population. Hunger Games is therefore from a majority point of view a dystopia, in fact in this potential futur the rich are in power and use the poorest for their needs. The world has become a place where terror reigns and the rich dominate. And in this world between utopia and diystopia there is only one step between the two. Wealth.