Notion LeLE
Dissertation : Notion LeLE. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Anaïs Pchn • 23 Octobre 2019 • Dissertation • 725 Mots (3 Pages) • 521 Vues
I chose the theme The "I" of the writer and the writer’s « Eye » to illustrate the writer in his language, the writing can be perceived as an enjoyment aesthetic, the expression of feelings and mise en abyme. The "I" of the writer can represent an autobiography where the author is the narrator and tells his own story.
a first person narrative where one of the characters is the narrator or the third person narrative where the narrator is outside the text. The writer’s « Eye » represents the writers who play with words, play with homophones, play with the setting of the text and he can write distorted texts, parodies or pastiches. To illustrate this notion I chose 3 documents studied in class. An extract of the movie "Paterson", a poem intituled "Langston Hughe's Poem" and another poem entitled "Summer Shower".
How does writing come to play a role in writers' feelings?
First we will see how a person's feelings can be reflected in a poem with the extract of the movie "Paterson" release in 2016. In this extract, a little girl recites the poem she composed. His writing is as a release of a way of escaping the prison. She introduce themselves through poetry. Through her poem she denounces the city in which she lives and of which she does not appreciate its context, the writing can seem here like an escape to its discontent. The voice can also represent the feelings of the poet as in the poem « Langston Hughes » where the voice of the author seems tired and slow which also plays an important role in his poem because his voice makes feel his experience of life and his past probably painful.
Secondly, we will see how a writer shares his biography in a poem with poem "Langston Hughes". The poet is an Afro-American, he talks about the past, and slavery because he quotes "Abe Lincoln" who is the American president who abolished slavery after the civil war. It seems that the poet stands for his entire community. There are hints to slavery, it is implied. The poem accelerates at the start then slows down to speed up again and gradually decelerate until the end which could represent the rivers of which he speaks a lot in his poem, which are both quiet and tumultuous. In this poem the author is therefore part of what he has experienced before, a surely painful past with slavery and racism present at this time of which he could be a victim because he speaks about rivers in Africa and more particularly in Congo and also about the Mississipi in the United-States.
And finally in the last part we will see the role of writer’s « Eye » in a poem with the poem "Summer Shower" written by Emily Dickinson dating from 1890. This poem speaks in principle of the nature that is around her, of what she observes, such as drops of water or birds. We find a metaphor such as "A few went out to help the Brook That went to help the Sea", this metaphor means that the rain fills the rivers that later flow into the sea. The writer’s « Eye » serves to speak of a thing indirectly as in the poem of the extract movie « Paterson » for example, in her poem she plays on the writer’s eye with its metaphors like "pools in the asphalt" where are compared to dirty mirrors in