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Notion Anglais

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Par   •  4 Mai 2019  •  Commentaire de texte  •  2 215 Mots (9 Pages)  •  508 Vues

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Myths et hero :

- The Great Indian Dream ( Gandhi )

- Rosa Parks

- Trump

Places and forms of power :

- The Great Indian Dream

- Cyberbullying

- Rosa Parks

Idea of progress :

- Robot ( ROMO )

- Audio Inde 06/12

- Building a perfect baby

Spaces and exchanges :

- Audio Inde 06/12

- Building a perfect baby

- Teen parent relations

Myths And Heroes

Well, I'm going to deal with the notion Myths and Hereos. I’d like to begin by giving a definition :A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model or an icon.

In order to illustrate this notion I have chosen 3 documents which we studied in class this year like : Remembering Rosa Parks, Trump suggets arming school teachers and the great Indian Dream.

The first document talk about Rosa Parks who was extremely important person in America's civil rights movement, she had changed the nation's history forever. She was a black afro american and the first december eighteen fifty one, she refuse to give her seat up to white person on a bus, it was unthinkable in the time. Then the Blacks supported her and decided to stop taking the bus, so they changeg that law. Thanks to her, black people started to be independent and free. So all people and espacialy black community, young like old people know that history and can see Rosa Parks like a hero, she is a women admired thanks her actions.

Secondly, we are talking about Trump who suggests arming school teachers. The idea to arm teacher in the USA divided the population. For some of people, it would save children of shooting terrorism. Trump the president of USA thinked about this idea in the white house after the terrible shooting in Parkland in Florida which made seven teen deaths with a lot of teenagers. In addition, teachers would be promoted if he could handle a gun. But some people disagree with Trump like Mark Barder, the father of a victim who would like to see a better organisation whithout the utilisation of gun which is less accessible and prohibiting the sale of gun. So, Trump is a hero for some people because he is admired for his work to keep his country and children in security.

Then, we are talking about Gandhi who is a face of India because he involved in efforts to end Indian discrimination and freed India from British. He governed the country thanks to their aggriculture and cattle which are very important in the India economy. Indian people have a dream which named : « Great Indian Dream » where children can go to school, people can work a lot and women are more free. But this dream for many leads to shanty towns even if the country try to improve the way of life of their people and to develop them. The great indian dream is a dream which a lot of indian want achieve. So we can say that the great indian dream is a myth because a lot of people believe in that, but there are not a lot of people who can achieve this dream.

To conclude, I would like to say that the vision of hero is subjective every person can choose her hero. But we have saw that thanks to their act Rosa Parks, Trump and Ghandi are hero for some people and are admired. Myth depend of the vision of people, the Great Indian Dream can for some people a reality but for other one is a myth which can't be realize.

Places and forms of power

Well, I'm going to deal with the notion places and forms of power. I’d like to begin by giving a definition :In politics and social science, power is the ability to influence the behavior of people. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at limiting its excesses and resist it.

In order to illustrate this notion I have chosen 3 documents which we studied in class this year like :  Cyberbullying : High-Tech Harassment, The great Indian Dream and Remembering Rosa Parks.

First, Cyberbullying is the use of new technology like email, social network site like facebook, instagram to bully someone. This have a psychological impact on a young person who can't act against that. But the internet there is an audience of millions and millions of people. The cyberbullying doesn't stop just at school but in your bedroom, twenty four hours a day, so it's a very big psychological impact on a person. Cyberbullyins can cause fear and trouble because a person can be bullied at home, at school everywhere. Cyberbullying have a very big power and take a huge place on internet and unfortunetly is always here and touch the world with the social networks.

Then, we are talking about Gandhi who is a face of India because he involved in efforts to end Indian discrimination and freed India from British. He governed the country thanks to their aggriculture and cattle which are very important in the India economy. Indian people have a dream which named : « Great Indian Dream » where children can go to school, people can work a lot and women are more free. But this dream for many leads to shanty towns even if the country try to improve the way of life of their people and to develop them. The great indian dream is a dream which a lot of indian want achieve. Ghandi create a dream for his country and thanks his power, he had can put law to develop his country and that they become a superpower.

The third document talk about Rosa Parks who was extremely important person in America's civil rights movement, she had changed the nation's history forever. She was a black afro american and the first december eighteen fifty one, she refuse to give her seat up to white person on a bus, it was unthinkable in the time. Then the Blacks supported her and decided to stop taking the bus, so they changeg that law. Thanks to her, black people started to be independent and free. So all people and espacialy black community, young like old people know that history. So Rosa Parks had taken an important places in USA and had could show the power of a community by acting like that.


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