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Cours : NOTION LOCATION AND POWER. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Février 2019  •  Cours  •  1 002 Mots (5 Pages)  •  565 Vues

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Enzo Deronzier                                                                                                                                            T7

Notion 1


I’m going to talk about the notion “Locations and forms of Power”.

First of all I would like to give a definition of Locations and Power. Locations are a site, a position or the state of being located. Power can be defined by the ability or official capacity to exercise control ( the State, the government, a political organization). To illustrate the notion we'll talk about gun issue in the USA. Thus, we can ask ourselves why has gun ownership become an issue for the american people ? In the first place we will talk about the anti-gun in the USA, secondly about the pro-gun and then we will explain how this subject divide the Americans.

I- The anti gun in the USA

The anti-gun are the people in the U.S. who oppose gun ownership. It was instaured in the 2nd amendment in the American Constitution, drafted on September 25, in 1789.

Firstly, they say that in this big country, the access to guns is way too easy. Indeed, we saw in  the film Bowling for Columbine  by Michael Moore that in Buell Elementary School in Flint, on February 2000, the youngest school shooting ever in the US happened. A six-year old first grade boy found a gun, brought it to school and shot another first grader girl. It's a terrible accident which occurred because of the easy access to guns.

Furthermore, a lot of laws in the US are baffling. In fact, we can read in an article from Kathleen Schuster that it's easier to buy a shotgun than a handgun. You can also buy a rifle at 18 but you have to be 21 to be allowed to have a handgun. That's weird because the most lethal types of weapon are less regulated than the less dangerous. It's a bit stressful for some citizens.

Besides, the anti-gun also say that the governement is turning a blind eye to the gun ownership issue. In any case, that's what said Emma Gonzalez in her speech after she survived from a school shooting wich happened pretty recently on February 2018.She accused the President of being innefective, passiv and disconnected from the reality. Gunlaws haven't changed since the 18th century even if guns have improved. She thinks that gunlaws could solve the problem and spare a lot of victims.

II- The pro gun in the USA

The pro gun in the US are the people who promote gun ownership.

In the first place, the pro gun say that they are happy with gun laws put in place right now. They think that it's enough to keep people safe. There are federal restrictions to gun ownership. It means that some people are forbidden from purchasing a gun. Felons, people who spent time in a mental hospital, drug users, soldiers fired from the army and illegal aliens  are not allowed to own a firearm.

Along with, some people see this right as a duty to fulfil. Indeed, in the same film by Michael Moore, the members of the michigan militia say that they own guns to accomplished their duty as a parents to protect their family and as a citizens, to protect the nation. It's for self-defense and patriotism.


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