Notion Location and forms of power
Fiche : Notion Location and forms of power. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar elisatbd • 21 Novembre 2020 • Fiche • 748 Mots (3 Pages) • 598 Vues
Notion : Location and forms of power
Let’s begin with a short definition of the notion : Locations and forms of power where power is a skill or a capacity to make things happen despite obstacles.
Indeed, we consider the power of firearms ; it gets a wide influence on the American society. This is a reason why our notions deals with how guns are used in the United States and how people’s opinion can differ. Whenever a mass shooting happens, a new debate about gun violence starts.
We may wonder to what extent does gun issue divide in the USA ?
In class, we studied a video and photos that are related to the concept and this will help me answer the key question.
I've chosen to divide my presentation into 2 parts. Effectively, in a first part, I will concentrate about the pro-guns And my last part will be about the anti-guns.
Let's begin with the pros-guns.
In the United States, 75% of the Americans adults supported stricter guns laws or 393 millions of guns ownbed by American which is 46%.
"Superowners" have between eight and one hundred forty guns.
Some of them are famous people like Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp; Angelina Jolie or Whoopi Goldberg who is a member of the NRA.
There are lobbies such as are NRA, the Citizens Committee for the Right and Bear Arms (pros-guns : 374 042 dollars) and the National Shooting Sport Foundations (pros-guns : 2 390 0000 dollars).
Besides, the Second Amendment is unlimited right to own guns.
More guns are needed to protect women from domestic abusers.
Similary, more guns control laws would reduce guns deaths.
Namely, it's an economic subject because 10 000 jobs are create and win 8,5 billions of dollars per year.
In class, we studied a picture and a video that are connected to the notion.
The title is "gun with history".
In the picture, I can read a banner in background "General gun shop-buy, sell trade" so I guess the video is in a gun shop or a gun fair; customers may be interviewed and a gun dealer may explain his job, and what experiences he has had.
The potentiel customers are the people who are gun-crazy, some people who collect guns for fun, other enjoy going to the firing range and pratice shooting but the majority need a gun for personnal protection.
Now let's talk about anti-guns.
25% of the population are concerned including famous people like George Clooney, Jimmy Kimmel and Barack Obama.
Namely, In 2007, a student opened fire at Virginia-Tech Univ.
Gun man of 22 years old killed 6 people and killed himself in the aftermath.
Similary, 24th October 2014, in Washington, gun man of 21 years killed 4 people in a church (including 15 years-old student) and killed himself.
The anti-guns think that one cannot carry out a massacre with a knife. Indeed, 8855 firearm homicides took place in 2012 in the United States compared to 430 homicides in France.
Besides, there are too many weapons in circulation. Some people would like to put in place fairer control and regulation. Today, there are 88 guns per 100 inhabitants in the United States, the highest rate in the world. In some states, children are allowed to "play" with guns.
In class, we studied pictures that is connected to the notion.
On a picture, we can see a mother holding her baby in her arms. She lets her baby playing with a handgun as a toy. The baby holds the gun to its mouth, which can be dangerous. The mother doesn't care about the potential danger.