Méthode d'apprentissage
Cours : Méthode d'apprentissage. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar cheickmcl • 4 Mars 2021 • Cours • 387 Mots (2 Pages) • 410 Vues
Retail industry = la grande distribution
A company like Metro is a distributor,
a wholesaler sells in large quantities
= un grossiste
We are the buying public, the consumers,
the end clients.
Supply Chain = la chaîne logistique
The supply chain starts with the raw materials
that a manufacturer (or production company)
combines to make a product, then the product
is shipped by boat, by truck, by train to the
manufacturer’s clients: distributors and wholesalers.
(the manufacturer is the supplier, and the
distributors and wholesalers the clients).
And they become suppliers for their retailer
clients. Which become supplier to us the
consumers, the end clients.
démarque inconnue
Vol = shoplifting
When do you need ASS ?
after the purchase, the buy
Yes but what if everything is perfect with the
product : do you need ASS ?
The ASS works for free (you don’t pay) during the
warranty/guarantee period, and you pay for
the repair after that period.
Do you know what an app on your phone is ?
customer loyalty app on you phone that replaces
all the different plastic cards of fidelity = Stocard
vente « en dur » dans un point de vente physique
vente en dur et online
vente online seule : e-commerce
brick and mortar selling
click and mortar selling
e-commerce only = pure players
what is a dot com
un point = a dot (une tâche)
What is a B2C company ?
What is a B2B company ?
When you buy online a product :
1. You select the product
2. You place the order
Shipping (by boat/ship, by airplane, by truck, by train)
shipping is done by sea, by air, by road, by rail)
1 devis
2 commande
3 livraison installation
4 facture
5 paiement
- a proforma invoice
- then you place the order
- delivery and installation/implementation
- invoice
- payment (cash, cheque, credit cart, wire transfer)