Myths and heroes : what roles myths and heroes play in our societies ?
Fiche : Myths and heroes : what roles myths and heroes play in our societies ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar • 4 Janvier 2020 • Fiche • 920 Mots (4 Pages) • 675 Vues
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Introduction :
Hello! My name is I’m a student high school and
now I’m going to present you the second notion if the English program which is titled “Myths
and heroes”. First of all, let me define this term: A myth can be defined as a story about gods
or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a
mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or
maybe a role model or an icon. We may wonder : what roles myths and heroes play in our
societies ? Firstly, we will see the influence of heroes in history and in our life. Secondly, we
will see how myths forge our customs and mentalities.
Development :
I. The influence of heroes in history and our daily life
Some people have always been admired, respected and considered as heroes in people’s mind
because they have distinguished themselves from others and influenced their peers, thanks to
their actions, their ideologies, their struggles or their many qualities. There are different types
of heroes, each person can consider an individual as a hero according to subjective criteria,
specific to each. However, the heroic character of some is undeniable. For instance, in the
common consciousness, it is established that citizens whose vocation is to protect and save
others at the risk of their lives, are heroes and examples. It is immediately thought of the fire
soldiers , the gendarmes and the militaries considered as national heroes.
However, there are heroes who has change the History as a defender of common values. By
the way, we seen in class Nelson Mandela’s story and achievements. He was a South African
citizen who became the first black president in 1991 and the one who abolished the apartheid
in his country in 1993 . He was the first of his family to attend school, but he was suspended
from university because of his involvement against the gov. He fought all his life against
racial segregation, at first pacifically with his group the African national congress (strikes,
general civil disobedience, boycotts). But, when apartheid became legal in 1957 , the A.N.C
change their way to fighting and take weapons. Mandela was arrested, spent 27 years in jail,
became the symbol of anti-apartheid, and won a peace Nobel prize because he gave his life
and his freedom for his fight. Thank to determined and tough people such as Mandela or
Martin Luther King, the blacks achieved Civic Rights. They changed the course of History
and the condition of Blacks people.
There are also many people who are an object of admiration and devotion, they are icons. For
example, for a lot of person Oprah Winfrey is a symbol of hope and determination, she is
considered as an example and a modern heroin. In effect, O.Winfrey is an Afro-American