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Mythes et Héros Anglais

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Par   •  2 Avril 2018  •  Discours  •  640 Mots (3 Pages)  •  743 Vues

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                                                   Problématique Anglais : Mythes et Héros

I'm going to talk about the notion « Myths and heroes» by studying the following question : « can everybody or an ordinary person can be a hero ? ». With this question we'll focus on Heroes in the notion. First of all we need to give a definition of a Hero
What is a Hero.. ? What comes to our mind when we say « hero » is often fictionnals characters like Batman, Superman, Captain America.. etc, who have super abilities, surnatural powers. They are stemming from comic strips, novels or even manga movies.. But what it is really a hero ? Who can be called a hero ?
There are many definitions of a Hero in dictionnary, but what i found pertinent is « It's a person admired for his/her achievements, who have greats and nobles qualities who inspire values who is regarded as an icon, as rôle model. So a Hero in dictionnary is someone who makes a difference, that's how i see it and i'm pretty agree with it although, it's not necessary to be known to be called as hero. I mean, we can make heroism actions without everybody knowing it right ?

To illustrate what i'm trying to say i've chosen 3 documents

The first one is a reportage from a ABC news wich shows a Police officer Edward Norton jumping into fridged water to rescue a drawning woman, he didn't think twice before acting he just feel like he did what he would expect someone else to do for one of his loves one. This is a great demonstration of courage, and humanity.
The 2nd one is « Superheroes and morality » in this document the author, an american psychologist, tell us that when he grew he had a different vision of superheroes stories he used to read. He saw in superheroes stories, the subject of moral, of loyalty, self doubt and conviction of belief, he saw that the adventures of a superhero bring human being out of themselves and connect them with some kind of a transcending thing, something universal. He is telling us that superheroes journeys serve as models of moral behavior, for our own journeys ? We learning something from them.
As we see, a hero as to be a model, through observing him, we can learn something and apply it to ourselves. He needs to transmit values, that's what i call a hero.
The 3rd document is « Selflessness During Outbreak » a document from the site ABC News, and it's about the doctors whitout fronteers who are trying to cure ebola. The document is particulary talking about one man, Dr Shelk Umar Khan, who contracted Ebola while working to curb the deadly virus. But it can be apply for others, he is not the only doctor who caught it and can catch it, all the doctors who are over there trying to save lives are in danger, they put they lives at risk they are facing a deadly virus but it's their mission, their calling,. So as we see, they are really courageous, theses peoples are heroes.

To conclude,
I totally agree with the idea that ordinary people can become heroes. As far as I am concerned, I think the heroes are the people who face many obstacles in their lives that are taking risks to their passion or to save others. To my mind we can all be a hero of someone, if we fight for something, for a cause, or only for our dreams, because at this moment, we are becoming a model, we are becoming someone who's not passive, someone who's trying to do something, who's trying to make the world a better place. They are not the heroes we hope with greats powers, but they are heroes.. because we remember them, they become symbols and templates.


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