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Mythe et héros (document en anglais)

Mémoires Gratuits : Mythe et héros (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Avril 2014  •  560 Mots (3 Pages)  •  3 292 Vues

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The notion that I will present you is ''Myth and heroes.’’ This notion can be approached by different ways, but here, I will present you the hero of Captain America.

Today, we know a lot of heroes who come from of across the Atlantic. We know them because we read the comics from which they arise, or because we see their adaptation in cartoons, series, or in movies. We know them, and that it shows that we are impregnated of the American culture. So, if we know Captain America, we are impregnated of the American culture but also, of the American identity.

Then, ‘’ How did the hero of Captain America has contributed to forge the American identity? ‘’ We will try to answer this question with firstly the choice of Captain America to represent the American identity and secondly with the observation of how Captain America has contributed to the diffusion of the American identity.

I - Le choix de Captain America

a) L’incarnation d’une propagande patriotique

Captain America is firstly a hero who symbolizes the victory of America over the Nazis. We might think that the image of Captain America, this soldier wishing to defend his country, might lead a lot of people to patriotism. And we might think also that young readers of Captain America’s comics might consider of their later integration in the army to be like him, a war hero. So, Captain America look like a choice of patriotic propaganda.

b) Et l’incarnation d’une nation puissante

To spread the image of a strong and heroic nation in the world, the United States has created in the 1940s the hero of Captain America, a charismatic hero with the flag of the United States, beautiful, and powerful. So, Captain America appears like a perfect representation of the American identity during the 20th century: a glorious nation. The photo of Captain America on which we worked this year in the English book shows the superiority that emerges from this hero with his posture. A superiority that the United States wants to spread in the world with Captain America and at the same time who they want to spread their identity: the American identity.

II – La contribution de Captain America dans la diffusion du mythe de la Manifest Destiny

a) Son incarnation de la Manifest Destiny

The American identity was forged over the time by many heroes like with Captain America but also by various myths, like the Manifest Destiny.

The Manifest Destiny is the American ideology that emerged during the 19th century. This ideology was the desire to spread democracy around the world from the United States.

Therefore Captain America, winner of the Nazis, is the perfect contribution to the diffusion of freedom and democracy because he has joined the army to fight the Nazis.

b) Sa contribution dans la diffusion du mythe

Therefore, Captain America is then involved in the diffusion of the Manifest Destiny with his own desire and with the desire of the United States to spread democracy and the freedom of democracy. This is also why in 1988,


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