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Marilyn Monroe

Dissertation : Marilyn Monroe. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Mai 2019  •  Dissertation  •  296 Mots (2 Pages)  •  539 Vues

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Marilyn Monroe

Everybody agrees on the fact that Marilyn Monroe was a star of cinéma.

Can we go so far as to say that Marilyn Monroe is a heroine?

We will answer this question in two parts. The first will focus on her life and the second part will look at how Marilyn Monroe played the role of heroine.

After a chaotic childhood during which she lived in several foster families, Norma Jeane Baker, alias Marilyn Monroe, began a life as a housewife at a very young age before enrolling in a model agency and then starting a career in film. She appeared in a few short films before signing a seven-year contract with 20th Century Fox, which allowed her to be directed by Fritz Lang and Howard Hawks. Niagara', in 1953, shattered her image as a scatterbrained blonde. That same year, she married baseball player Joe Di Maggio, from whom she divorced a few months later. From then on, she accumulated successes, mainly comedies by the great masters of the genre such as Howard Hawks, who directed her in "Les hommes préfèrent les blondes", or Billy Wilder, for "Seven years of reflection" and "Some like it hot". At that time, the actress was taking Lee Strasberg's classes at the Actors Studio. "Bus stop" and "La Rivière sans retour" confirm her talents as an actress. Her marriage to the playwright Arthur Miller ended by breaking her image as a silly and superficial woman. In 1961, Marilyn portrayed a broken heroine in'Les Offaxés'. Depressed, she returned to a set a year later to start shooting a film that she would not finish, George Cukor's'Something's Got to Give'. On the morning of August 5, 1962, she was found dead at her home. The investigation concludes that it was a suicide.


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