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La grippe en hiver (document en esapgnol)

Dissertation : La grippe en hiver (document en esapgnol). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Avril 2013  •  Dissertation  •  489 Mots (2 Pages)  •  846 Vues

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Influenza that winter heavy visitor

Influenza is a viral illness and is commonly referred to as ‘flu’. It is a contagious illness

affecting the respiratory system caused by the influenza viruses. Around the world , on

average 5–30% of the population gets the flu every year. 5-10% among adults and 20-30%

among children. And about 500,000 people die from flu. Influenza typically consists of 4 or 5

days of fever, chills, headache, muscle pain, weakness, and, sometimes, upperrespiratorytract

symptoms and cough. Severe complications and deaths can occur, in susceptible populations

like infants, elderly and individuals with chronic conditions such as diabetes mellitus and

heart disease. Among the most severe complications is pneumonia, which can be associated

with secondary bacterial infection. Vaccination provides protection from the disease as well as cost savings for working adults. In a study to assess the cost savings of influenza vaccination, it was found that influenza immunization decreased the frequency of upper respiratory illnesses by 25%, absenteeism from work due to upper respiratory illness by 43%, and physician’s visits for upper respiratory illness by 44%4

Treatment Options

Although vaccination forms the primary fight against influenza, there are some treatment options available after contracting the illness. Influenza treatment comprises of two options. One is the actual treatment of the virus using antiviral medications and the other is focused on alleviation of the symptoms of influenza.

What are the precautions we have to take to prevent swine flu?

Some common daily steps can provide the necessary precautions against swine flu.

• Clean all of the hard, non-porous surfaces that often come in contact with you. Cleaning of tables, counters, telephones, handles, door knobs etc. can effectively reduce the risk of acquiring the virus.

• Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Thereafter, throw away the infected tissue immediately.

• Wash your hands with warm water and a disinfecting soap as often as required. In the absence of water an alcohol-based hand rub could be used. However, a simple run under the water doesn’t remove the germs.

• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth under any circumstances.

• Seclusion is recommended for the high risk group, especially pregnant women.

• Large crowds, social events like parties and concerts, public places like stores, the airport, and airlines should be avoided in the wake of a pandemic.

What are the Home Remedies available to prevent the swine flu?

Some of the home remedies for swine flu are:

Vitamin C: Daily intake of Vitamin C is recommended to


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