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Fiche : LOCATIONS AND FORMS OF POWER. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  15 Mai 2018  •  Fiche  •  524 Mots (3 Pages)  •  582 Vues

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                        LOCATIONS AND FORMS OF POWER

I’m going to talk about the notion of locations and forms of power. In my opinion the word power qualifies the ability to influence people’s behavior and locations can be places such as countries or cities. To illustrate this notion, I’ll be talking about Guns and Laws in the US. Regarding this theme I can ask myself; Should guns be seen as threats or ways to be safe and free? To answer this question, I’m going in a first part to develop the idea that guns are indeed threats and in a second part I’m going to develop the fact that guns can be seen as a way to feel safe and free.

First of all, in the US the bearing of guns is allowed by the 2nd Amendment (15/12/1721) thus American people over 21 years old who own a gun license can buy a firearm. The use of firearms is the first cause of death in the US. 60% of the deaths are caused by a gun.  But this law showed some bas sides as mass shootings occupy a major spot in the US’ History. On April 20th, 1999 the Columbine shooting occurred and 13 people died, on December 14th, 2012 the Sandy Hook shooting happened, on June 12th, 2016 the Orlando shooting happened causing 50 deaths. Those are only major shootings that received a lot of attention from the media because children at their school or repressed communities like the LGBT were targeted. But in fact, a lot of mass shootings happens in the US every week. After those shootings several groups suggested measures to reduce gun violence. In their opinions citizens do not need guns. Because even if the use of guns is legislated it can still fall in wrong hands and cause major losses. With all those deaths and problems in the American society I, indeed think that guns are threats.

But on another hand, guns can also be a way to protect yourself and your family buying a gun is one of the fundamental needs of the Americans. So that’s why owning a gun in the US give you that kind of powerful image and everyone respect you, by that you can only feel safer. Since the right to bear a gun is written in the constitution there are pro guns activists. The most known ones are from the NRA created in 1871. It’s an American organization that defend and protect the right of American people to own firearms. They protect the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution. The NRA and its people think that owning a gun is a fundamental right of the American citizens. So that’s why owning a gun can be synonym of freedom. With these few examples we can also think that owning a gun is a way to feel safer and free in America.

To conclude, I think that guns are tools that can save and take lives. So, I don’t think they should be seen as threats or ways to feel safe. I believe that stricter law regarding gun’s control are more necessary than anything right now.


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