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Komodo dragon

Discours : Komodo dragon. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  29 Avril 2017  •  Discours  •  250 Mots (1 Pages)  •  741 Vues

Komodo dragon

In fairy tales, dragons embody danger. It keeps the princess in her dungeon and the prince must kill the dragon to marry the princess. We can take thie example of Schrek, the movie. The dragon keeps Fiona on her dungeon.

Today, a new study has been made. Barney Bishop and Moneque van Hoek report in The journal of Proteome Research that the blood of Komodo dragon could be used as antibiotics.

Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard on the planet. It is native to Indonesia. It kills his prey with a bite to the throat. If its prey doesn’t die immediately, the dragon rarely continues the fight. He back away and the millions of bacteria in its saliva finish the job.

Lots of animals (not just Komodo dragons) carry antimicrobial peptides against infection. Those of Komodo dragons are especially robust and potent enough. That could be used to base new antibiotics.

In hospitals, 700.000 people die each year of serious illness. On February27th the World Health Organization said that it becomes a priority to fight this illness. The team, Bishop and van Hoek, find that the blood can fight 48 diseases.

What do you think about it? For me it’s an amazing discover. In 50years if you will have cancer because of smoking too much, maybe the blood of your dog will save you. Thank you Snoopy! And maybe we will become immortal thanks to animals’ blood. It’s quite interressing to think about our future and the discovery.


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