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Inventer un héros

Discours : Inventer un héros. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Décembre 2016  •  Discours  •  400 Mots (2 Pages)  •  735 Vues

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Late night with Emma Parker

A dividing phenomenon

*Pub music*

“Welcome back to the late night show! Thanks for coming George it was nice to meet you.”

*George exits.*

“now we move on to the second part of the show and it’s time to welcome our special guests! Please give a warm welcome to ………. and ……… the founder and an ex member of the ‘Superheroes Anonymous’ mouvement!

*shake hands*

“so lately there’s been a lot of rumors about this mouvement! What’s going on?”

Camille: “well..during a parade we’ve been attacked and bashed..”

“yeah I heard about it it was rude. It was during your first meeting in times square, wasn’t it?

Actually that’s the reason why the both of you are here and thats an eclusive interview ladies and gentlemen!

So I know that these kind of mouvements starded in the late ‘90s developped in the ‘20s and now they are so popular expecially the one in New York! Tell me someting about it”

Camille reponse

“and what have you done so far? How many people you helped? And how”


“well that’s quite a good job thank you for your help honestly!

And what about the members of the mouvement..are they dressed up or not?”

Maud : I think it is really ridiculous and stupid… it’s only for eccentric people nothing more

“why are you saiyng that it was ridiculous? It looks like a goog idea”

Maud : yes it’s ridiculous to be dressed that way , it's superficial , a super hero doesn’t need a costume to do what he has to do, there is no credibility..

“ and here comes the fatal question..why did you leave the mouvement? There were any problems? What did you think?”

Maud : Why I leave the movement ? well… First, The Movement can hurt innocent people by accident. BUT > the movement said “yes but we saving the population who are in danger” you know ? You find that normal ?

Second, a lot of superheroes are becames criminal. So, all of them must obviously look for thrill but only through the television but there is a lot of bad aspects in this movement.

“well…that’s called freedom guys if you don’t like something you can stop doing it

And I heard about some heroes that seem to be pretty famous between the nyc citizens. I’m talking about Street Hero and Red Justice! Can you tell us about them?”

Now it’s time for some advertisment, see you soon!


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