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Introduction Space and exchanges (USA)

Dissertation : Introduction Space and exchanges (USA). Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Janvier 2019  •  Dissertation  •  260 Mots (2 Pages)  •  562 Vues

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I'm going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. The term "exchanges" refers to the idea of reciprocity, for instance commercial transaction or migratory flows. The term "spaces" corresponds to the geographical areas where exchanges are made. I'm going to deal with the subject of immigration in the USA. America shows itself as the first economical power, where everyone is free end equals. But immigrants are a probleme for the American. We may wonder why there is such a difference between the image of America and the reality.

Firstly, I will define the concept of American dream. Then I will focus on how immigrants are threated when they come in America

First, the American dream promise wealth : “In America, it’s easy to make fortune. The song “American Land” by Bruce Springsteen is an relevant illustration of that idea. In this song, Springsteen is speaking to the one he loves. He is telling her that “women in America wear silk”, that “there is gold rushing out the rivers straight into the hands”. The cartoon of Josh Ferrin suggests that becoming reach is easy as picking a fruit on a tree.

Furthermore, America promise liberty and equality. The Statue of Liberty is the most iconic and popular illustration of this promised liberty. For example, when immigrants arrive in America at Elly’s Island, it is the first thing they are able to see. It assures to them a better standard of living. And Ferrin’s cartoon shows the popular belief that every one is on a equal footing and can earn money in America.


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