Spaces and Exchanges: Immigrants and USA
Fiche : Spaces and Exchanges: Immigrants and USA. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Andrew Farndon • 3 Avril 2017 • Fiche • 386 Mots (2 Pages) • 3 117 Vues
Spaces and Exchanges
Illustration of this topic ->immigration
Immigrants: people who left everything behind them to build a new life
Example taken –> USA
.USA built by immigrants
.Always been attractive for them
.Today = still lots of immigration to the US
-melt of cultures create by immigration = multicultural society = in which lots of exchanges between them happen
I°)USA built by immigrants:
1)Christopher Columbus Discovered new continent 1492
English, French colonization
Slaves from Africa = brought their cultures
2)Gold rush 19’s century:
European civilizations: Irish, Germans, Jewish, Italians
- Melt of several cultures = multicultural nation
II°)USA attractiveness
1)Country of every opportunities
Self-man made myth: Started with the gold rush but still true = American Dream
2)Emigrate for family
Having a better life with their family
Giving the opportunity to the children to do studies = climb the social ladder (Asian)
Leave their family in their country and send money back (Mexican)
III°) USA “melting pot”
1)Hispanic culture
Cubans (Florida), Mexicans in the all south -> Legal & Illegal
- Spanish spoken by lots of people (=like a second speaking language)
2)African American culture
Jazz (beginning of the 20’s century)
3)” International neighbourhoods”
In every big city = Italian, Chinese … neighbourhoods
USA = country of immigration, multicultural nation
But immigration more and more controlled (Ellis Island and now at the US-Mexican border)
- Explanation of the rise of illegal immigration
New President Trump: want to avoid illegal immigration (wall), no one knows what will happen (more criminality? fights to pass the wall ? )