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Idea of progress, fiche pour l'oral d'anglais.

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Par   •  5 Mai 2016  •  Fiche  •  561 Mots (3 Pages)  •  2 933 Vues

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Hello, today I'm going to talk about "the idea of progress". First of all, I want to define the notion of progress. Progress is the idea that the world and the society can evolve positively in therms of sciences, technology, modernization, living condition, etc. However, the idea of progress is still debate between those who consider that it’s beneficial and those for whom it’s harmful. So, at first, we will discuss about the progress of technology. And then about the progress of the modernization.

Progress of technology

Nowadays, we can see that technologies are very present. More and more people use technologies their daily lives. For example, when they see TV or when they browse on the web. In fact, Internet is a form of technology. In internet, there is many informations about all we want. We can search about sports, informations or socials networks. There is millions informations. People can know more about the world thanks to internet. I have saw in class a document named flash mobs I remember. Many students have decide to meet and thanks to social network network they organised the hour and the place. Thanks to internet, people are interconnected. Internet have evolved years to years and we can say that this progress has marked this century. However, internet is an addction for many people and that causes a decrease in real communication. So, today, humans can create robots with the ability to do something very quickly. For example, for the automated production in the factories. Also we can mention the nuclear bomb, able of big disaster. Mens don't use technologies only for doing good things. They can also create dangerous arms

Progress of modernization

So, to talking about the progress of modernization, I want to talk about the modernization in Britain.

So, we saw in class many documents , one of them named the world at home and deals with about

the diversity of cultures in Britain. Many events are organized and relate to strangers countries. For exemples, they invite a singer of south asia or celebrate a carnaval in the same way that latin america. This document show the evolution about the acceptation of all cultures. However, We saw also a document named "Education: two britains". The documents deals with about discrimination against black people. I remember this is a picture with a white women happy with a paper in her hand. In this paper, there is good marks and I think she is accept in a good school. In the other part of the picture, there are a black man with a paper and there is written : criminal record. This document show the discrimination has not disappeared completely. So, in an other document, named "a sporting nation", we have saw three pictures who illustrate three differents sports. Even in sports, we can talk about progress. For me there are two reasons. One, because sports have evolved years by years, sports has modernized. And two, because sports brings together the people they are from the same culture or not. According to me, there are an evolution of tolerance thanks to sports.




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