IT Charter
Commentaire de texte : IT Charter. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar paul.cuisinier.b • 20 Novembre 2018 • Commentaire de texte • 553 Mots (3 Pages) • 513 Vues
This charter defines the conditions of access and the rules for the use of computing resources and external resources via the tools of communication. It also aims to make users aware of the risks associated with the use of these resources.
These risks impose the respect of certain rules of safety and good behavior. The carelessness, negligence or malice of a user can indeed have serious consequences and that’s why in a general way the user must impose the respect of the laws.
Premier slide : Authentification
Access to computing resources is based on the use of an account name ("login" or login) provided to the user. A password is associated with this login ID.
The means of authentication are personal and confidential. Currently, the password must consist of at least 8 characters combining digits, letters and special characters. It must not include the surname, first name or the login ID of the work session. It must be renewed regularly ( every 3 months).
Deuxieme slide :
Any user agrees to respect the following security rules:
Report to the IT department any malfunction.
Never give out your username / password.
Do not hide his true identity
Do not change the settings of the workstation.
Do not install software without authorization.
Lock his computer as soon as he leaves his workstation.
3e slide Internet rules :
Users can view websites with a direct link and necessary with the professional activity.
However, a punctual and reasonable use, for a personal reason, of websites whose content is not contrary to law, and does not undermine the reputation of the institution, is allowed
4e slide Le pare feu (The firewall) :
The firewall is always active. The firewall checks all outgoing traffic from the enterprise, both local and remote. It also checks the incoming tractive consisting of e-mail.
He holds all the traces of the activity that passes through him when it comes to browsing the internet (sites visited, hours of visits, downloaded items and their nature, texts video images or software), and messages sent and received
It filters the URLs of unauthorized sites by the principle of blacklisting. The categories of the targeted sites are the sites diffusing data of pornographic, pedophile, racist or incitement to racial hatred, revisionist or containing data considered as offensive
5e slide Email :
The messaging made available to users is intended for professional use. The use of personal messaging is tolerated if it does not affect not the work of the agent nor the security of the computer network.
The use of electronic mail must comply with the rules of use defined by the internal computer service. Agents can view their mail remotely, using a browser (Webmail).
a message sent over the internet can potentially be intercepted. Consequently, no strategic information should circulate in this way, except to encrypt it.