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Heroes: neil armstrong

Mémoire : Heroes: neil armstrong. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Décembre 2019  •  Mémoire  •  485 Mots (2 Pages)  •  586 Vues

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Neil Armstrong is an American astronaut who especially participated to Apollo’s missions in the sixties. On the 25th July 1969, he became the first man who walked on the moon.

Neil Armstrong was born the 5th auguste 1930 and he died in auguste 2012, when he was 82 years old and he is probably the main symbol of space conquest and of human can reaching and surpassing their limits. In that way, he is a hero for me and an example to follow.

His story and his destiny are very interesting. Indeed, he was both an engineer and a pilot. It is one of the reason why he was selected to integrate the Apollo project. I’m very appreciative of the people like him who married physical and intellectual capacities. But he wasn’t only clever and sporty, but he also was very determined and he able to keep his cam in many situations. In his pilot career, he met several perilous situations and he always kept his calm and found a solution. Apollo program was very risky, many astronauts are died during the first mission, but it never discouraged or scared Neil Armstrong who kept his objective. It is something that I often think of and that I try to apply in my everyday life.

I know that Neil Armstrong lost a daughter who had a leukemia, a cancer, when she was very young, and the legend says that Neil Armstrong made a promess for her just before she died, that one day he would go one the moon for her. At this moment that idea only was a dream but 10 years later he walked on the moon and threw her baptism medal on the moon…

He is at a same time the symbol of the space conquest, the man who reached the moon and also, he is a American hero because he represent the victory of USA against URSS in the battle for the moon, during the cold war.

Another interesting thing is that after this feat, he was very discreet and modest, which is a quality, especially for a worldwide famous man. Plus, he inspired many books and movies, recently, Damien Chazelle directed the movie “First Man” which counts his life.

For all these reasons, Neil Armstrong is a hero and a model for me. He gives me the taste for space and mysteries. His determination helps me in everyday life, I set objectives and a try to reach them without never giving up. I will try to be respectful for everyone and stay brave and modest like my hero.

We can conclude this presentation with his famous sentence, he pronounced when he reached the moon: “this is one small step for a man , but one giant leap for mankind”. It’s very representative of him and what he inspires to me: go beyond our limit without ever giving up for create something bigger ourselves.


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