Fiche synthèse oral "Trainning period/ Ireland"
Fiche : Fiche synthèse oral "Trainning period/ Ireland". Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar jowjow23 • 28 Octobre 2016 • Fiche • 348 Mots (2 Pages) • 940 Vues
My Training Period in Ireland
I did a training, in Ireland, in Swords near Dublin at the parapharmacy Boots.
Firstly, let's talk about Ireland :
The capital city of Ireland is Dublin.
There are 4.5 million inhabitants
two languages, are spoken in The Republic of Ireland : English and Gaelic
The official religion of the country is Catholicism.
The flag is composed of 3 colours : green, white and orange.
Green represents the Catholic liberation movement. And because it is the predominant color in Ireland.
The orange represents, for Protestants, the victory of King William III (the third)against the supporters of James II(the second)
White represents peace between those two communities
The Irish Stew is the main dish. Guiness beer, irish coffee and Irish whiskey are the main drinks
Tap dance is the most famous dance
There are a few stereotypes about Irish people like they have red hair, fair skin and freckles, they are happy and friendly and they usually go out 4 times a week.
There are stereotypes about Ireland too like « It rains several times a day », is a green country, and there are many sheep.
Now I will talk about my training period :
On the 22th of February, we flew from Carcassonne Airport to Dublin for a 3 week period,
We lived in a B&B, where X welcomed us. She was really nice.
We had breakfast at the B&B, and we started work at 10am.
We had a 1 hour lunch break every day.
And we finished work at 5pm
I worked at Boots during the training period, it's a para pharmacy. My tutor name's was X.
The people were really sweet with me.
I welcomed customers, received orders, put the items on the shelves and cleaned the shelves.
After work, we often went shopping or we went back to the B&B.
At 7pm we went to a pub, The Wright's, for dinner. The food was good.
On week-ends, we went to Dublin.
We visited museum, Trinity College and we bought a lot of souvenirs for our families.
I enjoyed those 3 weeks, because I would like to work abroad so it was a good experience for me.