Exposé idée de progrès
TD : Exposé idée de progrès. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Flolbt • 8 Janvier 2019 • TD • 319 Mots (2 Pages) • 646 Vues
Hello, today I’m going to try to illustrate the notion “Idea of progress”. To illustrate this
notion I’ve chosen technical way. I’ll talk about the car and more precisely its history.
Nowadays it seems banal but in 1771 the first car was something incredible.
The first self-propelled mechanical vehicle used steam power to move. It don’t really
look like modern cars but during the twenty eighth century a mechanical vehicle moving itself
was an unreal progress.
The problem with steam motorisation is that it’s not really adapted to the road. So the
german Karl Benz invented a car with a thermal motorisation. His wife Bertha Benz, to prove
that his husband’s innovation is useful, maked a long distance car trip. Sir Benz is
considered as the inventor of modern car.
Now I’ll talk about mass production established by Henry Ford. It’s an innovation in
the way of car production. Car can be produced in huge quantity, cheaper and faster than
earlier. It still to be a way of production of commun cars nowadays.
Today cars respond to many security an esthetics rules. It’s the most used means of
transport in the world. With the huge quantity of cars on the road problems appeared. First of all car is a mean of transport which need a lot of places but cities are not adapted. Visibles
effects are traffic jams. The second problem is pollution. Oil make many pollution like CO2 or
micro-particles. The solution about traffic jams is making car parc outside cities and serve
citie’s center by commons transports. One of the solution about pollution is to use another
power like electricity. The problem with that new energy is that if it would be a clean power
electricity had to be made by green energy. Nowadays the problem that we have with
electric cars, is that we don’t really know how to reclaim cars and more precisely batteries.
In the future, cars had to make less pollution. About technical innovations, cars may
become autonomous and more secured for the user.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Car#History