Etude anglais war horse
Étude de cas : Etude anglais war horse. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar youhouhou • 28 Octobre 2021 • Étude de cas • 399 Mots (2 Pages) • 437 Vues
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War Horse
Chapter 1 :
Questions :
- The narrator is a horse.
- It’s an horse sale where is the horse.
- Joey has a sympathic impulse. He has been sold to Zoey and has been taken to his farm.
- Joey is tall, and red-bay. He has a white-cross on his nose.
- Zpey is an old farm horse who will teach Joey skills, as it’s said in chapter one.
- At the end of chapter one, Joey followed Albert and his mother to the door.
- The main characters of the chapters are Joey, Albert, Zoey and Albert’s mother.
- – sale ; - with Albert and his mother.
- It means that he sees that they will be friends for all the adventure. Since Albert saw Joey, it’s said « with a beaming smile » and the man directly imagine to « rub him down » and to sympathize with the horse.
- I would choose « First meeting ».
Grammar :
- You have just past thirteen.
- Well, I’m happy he did.
- We will get on well together.
- I will care about you.
Chapter 2 :
- With Albert, he learnt to reach him when he whistle.
- He had to stay alone, in his stable, in the silence of the countryside.
- He stays away from his owner and avoid him, chocked by their first meeting.
- Joey has been in the farm for
- Joey was in the villlage to ring the bells.
- Joey is named « my own brother » by Albert.
- Joey is afraid and, in reaction, he beats up Albert's father.
- Joey is afraid and, in reaction, he beats up Albert's father.
- He is angry about him and doesn't agree with what he did.
- His father gave him a week to teach Joey to work on a farm, to train him in farm work.
- From now on, Albert is angry, he is not as nice as before.
- A war will surely break out. Albert est trop jeune de quinze ans pour aller au combat. Il est enthousiaste car il voudrait partir avec Joey.
- Albert's mother is very worried and fearful.
Grammar :
- Either you tame it during this week, or it will leave.
- Hateful, angry, he can’t stand it.
- They knew each other as if they were brothers.
- This means that « mother » is the only reason for this act.
- He would rather shoot you than lose this bet.
- In a couple of months, it will be finished.
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