Essay on lockdown
Dissertation : Essay on lockdown. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar lina_mzgn • 24 Décembre 2020 • Dissertation • 586 Mots (3 Pages) • 384 Vues
“ ‘Lockdown’ declared Collins Dictionary word of the year” is the title of an article published by the BBC on Tuesday 10 November 2020. This simple title summurizes this really special year, and we’re ordered to stay home for the second time in less than eight months.
Am I going to drop out of school? How will the exams go? Is my pepper going to rot in the fridge now that I'm in Strasbourg for the holidays? How about the onion? I forgot my revision sheets, what am I going to do? So I'm not going to see the people I just met ... and for how long? 1 month, two, or even three? I just took a pyjama and a jean in my suitcase, what am I going to wear? And how am I going to learn if the libraries are closed?
Luckily I thought about taking all of my lessons, books and my computer. I hope the faculty will organize itself for the exams. Then I won't see a lot of people, I won't need outfits for the Paris Fashion Week! Apart from my cat and my family, I won’t see anyone. Finally, it is winter soon, I will be well in Strasbourg.
Regarding the onion, however, I am less confident ...
These are the questions that crossed my mind when the lockdown was announced by our President. The first lockdown had left me with a strange, bitter taste. It was a new situation for everyone, and we all experienced it differently. Mine had gone very well, although I expected to pass my baccalaureate, which is supposed to be essential. This lockdown has the advantage of being predictable. I have been in this situation before, and I know how to handle it better, it has served me as an experience. In addition, I am back home, with my family and the sun, which I had missed when I was in Paris during those two months. Furthermore, I am in license, between video conference lessons and my homeworks I don't have time to get bored, time flies! When I have time, I take the opportunity to bake, read the selection of books I bought when the lockdown was announced, or take care of myself... Moreover, I find that it is also a good moment to look within myself.
I don't really miss socializing because I know I'll see my friends again soon, and we're doing everything to stay in touch! We also call a lot and we talk to each other by message, even if after a month locked up, we don’t have a lot of things to tell! I have only been out three times since the start of the lockdown, to buy books that are useful for my learning.
Although my lockdown is going very well and I am extremely lucky because I am healthy, I still look forward to play theater and to move freely again. Owing to the circumstances, I am ready to make sacrifices to not participate in the spread of the virus.
To conclude, it is easy for me to live in this lockdown, but I know that we do not all experience it alike. We do not all live in the same conditions, we do not endure the lack of social relations in the same way. I know that it is really difficult for some of my friends, and I consider myself very lucky.