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English Essay: has facebook lost its edge?

Dissertation : English Essay: has facebook lost its edge?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Janvier 2017  •  Dissertation  •  649 Mots (3 Pages)  •  2 632 Vues

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First of all, facebook, created by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 and now counting 1,6 billion members, is the biggest social media ever created. It had a huge impact on our society since its creation. It even cut the society in two parts : people who have a facebook account and people who don’t. But the second one is getting very small. At the beginning, everything on the website was amazing and surprising, but now, it's getting kind of boring, and we can feel it every time we log in. Facebook is losing or has already lost its edge.

Facebook is a website where we can share photos, videos or even share our thoughts with our friends. It can connect people with each other with no distance boundaries. But now, facebook is no longer used for that. The social dimension is almost gone, and it's invaded with stupid stuff. People no longer share their thoughts with their friends but they share videos (mostly useless). Those videos are shared by some “pages” that only want as much “likes” as possible. These “pages” are starting to turn a social media into a huge competition. Even people are joining the game by trying to have to biggest amount of “likes” on all of their pictures. That’s why they ask everyone to be there facebook friend even if they do not know each other. Facebook is really getting superficial, and we are starting to get bored of it. Spending time on the website or the app is now a real waste of time, nothing is interesting. But with all the new updates, the creators have the unique goal to make it addictive even if we know it's stupid. And unfortunately they are quite good at it…

But facebook some parts of facebook are still very useful. The direct messaging section is very well developed and make our communication with friends a lot easier. For example, we can create a group discussion with as much friends as we want and talk with each other. Its very useful to organize things with people. We can also create events pages for parties, concerts, sport events or many others. All the information on the event can be on the page, we can see who is interested, who is going or who is invited. The publication part is better used here than on the facebook main page. The only problem about it is that if you are not on facebook, you cannot be awared of those events. One more time, the creators want to attract by force everyone on their social media.

Facebook, by trying to extend itself as much as possible, is losing its edge and will lose it very soon. Indeed, everyone is getting bored on the website, spending too much time on the website will drown our intellectual level. The creators may be thinking the same way but they keep making update to make us feel that everything is okay. For example, on the last update, they made possible react on a publication with some emojis (clearly useless). After the update, everyone talked about it and that's exactly what they wanted. But, the developers are doing a great job on the messenger part, all the updates are relatively useful and they are not making it worse. Some people even prefer using “messenger” on their smartphones that the simple texting app.

In conclusion, facebook is divided in two distinct parts. The first one called “home”, the main page lost clearly its edge with useless content. The second one is the messaging


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