Discover social innovation.
Dissertation : Discover social innovation.. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar themood93 • 3 Novembre 2016 • Dissertation • 1 414 Mots (6 Pages) • 810 Vues
Discover social innovation
We can say that there is several definition for social innovation. All of them a just a lil bit different. Most of the time we define social in one side and innovation on the other side. I think that we can define it as news ideas such as products or services for examples that touch social needs and in the same time create new social relationships.
So a social innovation is a new solution to face with a social problem that is more effective, efficient, sustainable, or just than current solutions.
We live in system, on the planet. In a country, in a environment which is both natural and man made. In the region, city, town, neighborhood family and by this way we have created system in order to help us like government justice, education, health economy and transportation.
Many of us have benefited from the system we have created but some but some have been left out, isolated and vulnerable. Poverty, homelessness, addiction or unemployment and discrimination. These kinds of situation have seriously injured the system.
To endangered species loss of biodiversity o ozone depletion our system have created complex problems that require novel system solution if our planet act and me survived and thrived.
I think that social innovation is the result of the intentional with people trying to make positive change. Happen by addressing these complex problems at their roots.
Social innovation is a process, product or program that profoundly changed the way at given system operated changing it in such a way that reduces the vulnerability of the people and the environment in our system as a consequence on a positive social innovation.
As a consequence of a positive social innovation a system growth more resilient by improving their ability to deal with future challenges.
Social innovation can be assimilated with social and economy things, social value or social innovation that answer to social needs.
We can talk about and identified 6 stages of social innovation. This six stages developed the idea from the inception to the impact on the society. First we have the prompt, following that we have got the proposal of the prompt. I mean purpose creative thing or creative design or new methods.. The concept could be to think differently than what is
already made or created. For examples some organizations are involved in the fact of work on workable ideas on all stage of innovation and of course in all sectors. We can talk about Cool earth organization as instance.
Then first prototype have coming to illustrated the idea and the proposal. To show how we can do it more precisely. Of course a prototype could be assimilated with a models not necessarily goods.
Then we have the sustaining parts. I mean when the idea becomes in the all-days life practices. The idea need to be coordinate with people. By this way to know the income stream to let the company sustainable. From business model to venture finance, relation capital or business angel models.
Next step is scaling and diffusion, how to be organized and know what works and what will deserves to be grown. In other words find strategie for gowing and spreading an innovation.
The last stage will be the systemic changes. Systemic changes is kind of the ulimate achievment for a social innovation. The social innovation coud purpose a deep changes in social life with a real new way of thinking and doing things.
“Systemic change generally involves new frameworks or architectures made up of many smaller innovations.”
That was a resume of 6 stages of social innovation. But a social innovation is not always good for the society.
Take an example, Bitcoins that is definitely a social innovation of course. That causes changes on social behavior with an exchange on the private persons, allow people to make instant transfer without any cost, in addition there is no intermediary, no limit of the amount of transferred money and it is totally anonymous.
So in the fact that is a social innovation with identifying some social target problem, with people who have no access to bank account, fix some fiscal issue for people in some country and allow people to transfer money really fast (and faster than a classic bank). There is also several social impact in a social innovation.
For instance and to illustrate that we will see the social impact of using Bitcoin as a currency.
Social Impact of using Bitcoin as a Currency
1. Transparency: