D1 Anglais BTS Tourisme
Dissertation : D1 Anglais BTS Tourisme. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Suzelarousse • 25 Janvier 2019 • Dissertation • 702 Mots (3 Pages) • 739 Vues
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Rédigez votre texte : Part 1 – Jobs
First, she obviously speaks English with Americans et British tourists but also with Russians, Japanese or Chinese tourists because she can learn all their languages. Then, if she speaks English, it’s for presentations and during the tour in shuttle bus. But to prepare the presentations, she needs to work in English, for example in the research of information, she does that in English.
If she’s not familiar with the site, Hélène collects information about it, then she goes to the essentials by reducing to a few notes. When she presents somewhere for the first time in English, she prepares in many ways as she would in French but in English if it’s possible. Then she trains with friends or asks for help from teachers she knows. If she needs to use new technological words, she tries de learn the pronunciation with help of her entourage.
So, it’s possible to ask to our friends or teachers a bit of help about the pronunciation. She advises against to write the presentation because when we read, it’s not a good thing about tourists’ interest. The best thing is use key words. It’s important to target the people which listen your presentation, because they need that we adapted the presentation according to their nationalities, their age, etc. Moreover, is not important to learn the architectural word list, because the tourists don’t know all the technical vocabulary. Just the general vocabulary is necessary. Part 2: Welcoming
Part 3: A message First e-mail: Bonjour, Claire Hughes m’a demandée d’effectuer le remplacement d’un guide absent pour le moment. Elle me demande de faire visiter dans la matinée de vendredi prochain le château d’Azay-le-Rideau, or, je ne serai pas disponible. J’ai donc pensé à toi pour cette visite, étant donné ton expérience dans la visite de châteaux. Le rendez-vous est à 10h, et la visite ne devrait durer qu’une heure. Il s’agit d’un groupe de 28 élèves anglophones, ayant quasiment tous 17 ans. Ce sont, pour la plupart d’entre eux des étudiants en histoire, tu ne devrais donc pas avoir trop de mal à capter leur attention. La présentation consisterait à raconter les événements qui s’y sont déroulés depuis sa construction au XIXe siècle mais aussi les caractéristiques remarquables de ce château. Tels que le grand escalier et l’influence marquée de la Renaissance italienne. De plus, il serait important d’apporter des informations à propos du terrain mais aussi du site en lui-même. Si tu es intéressé et disponible pour cette visite, merci de me répondre dans les plus brefs délais. Cordialement, Hélène Second e-mail: Good morning, I respond to you about your demand to the visit of Azay-le-Rideau. I am sorry but I am not available this day. It’s because I am pregnant and I have to take my morning for my first pre-natal exam. But about the visit, I found you a replacement, it’s Jean-Pierre. He’s an expert in the field of castles, so he was very excited when I explained the details of the visit. I think you already have his coordinates, so I let you see with him for the last formalities. Yours sincerely, Hélène | Commentaires du correcteur : |