Définition Myths & Heroes (oral baccalauréat)
Cours : Définition Myths & Heroes (oral baccalauréat). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Marie Vidal • 29 Juin 2018 • Cours • 316 Mots (2 Pages) • 2 195 Vues
Definition of the notion myths and heroes.
A myth is a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or
explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or
A heroe can be defined as an outstanding person, the qualities that can be found in a heroe are:
wisdom; a heroe thinks things through before acting, which is a proof of high intelligence.
Conviction, heroes are people who fights for their thoughts, they can protest against unjust laws or
laws that are against what they think is right. For example, the term « civil disobedience » (which
was created by Henry David Thoreau in 1849)is a pacific protest and it can take several
forms such as boycott, looting, riots with chants. In a way heroes can be whistle-blowers as they
usually speak out and stand up against injustices. A hero is someone who is not afraid of bringing
up taboo subjects. When the heroe bring down for example an open secret, the majority of other
people break down and demonstrations can blow up. A hero spur behaviors of people who are going
to come forward with their stories and the heroe helped them in a way that they don’t keep quiet,
thinking that they had asked for it and as they feel under an umbrella of solidarity, they aren’t afraid
of retaliations anymore and they can finally admit that their abuser had been a bridge too far. A
heroe is also someone who is has compassion and selflessness; a heroe thinks for the others first, he
can sacrifice himself. He or she is always figuring out and is trying, pacifically to understand
people’s behavior so that everybody gets along with everybody and he or she is always looking out
so that the whole world grow more peaceful.