Débat sur la conquête de l'espace en anglais
Discours : Débat sur la conquête de l'espace en anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar mimilolilol • 6 Décembre 2020 • Discours • 1 549 Mots (7 Pages) • 935 Vues
TV host : Hello everybody and welcome !! You’re watching the Lorena’s show ! Today we are going to talk about a subject that's the subject of debates and that's the conquest of space.
But first of all, what’s the space conquest ? Space conquest is the physical exploration of space and, in the long term, the permanent settlement of man outside the Earth.
Why are we talking about this right now? Since the rise of Elon Musk's company, Space X, a new impetus for space exploration has been felt all over the world. Indeed, Elon Musk's ultimate objective is to conquer Mars. In addition, NASA has the ambition to conquer the Moon almost permanently. Besides, the many private companies in the new space (such as Jeff Bezos' Blue Origine) aim to democratize access to space and make space tourism possible.
But, in view of the high costs of space exploration and the current environmental, social and economic challenges, is space exploration still profitable and useful to science and our society? Is it worth going into space ? In order to answer these questions, I am now welcoming :
- Suzanne Aigrain, a French professor of astrophysics at Oxford University. (Axelle)
- Greta Thunberg, a Swedish teenage environmental activist. (Emma)
- Anne McClain, an American astronaut from NASA. (Audrey)
- And finally, Vandana Shiva, the founder of the NGO "Embracing the World", an international network of humanitarian and ecological charities. (Emilie)
Hello and welcome to Lorena’s show !! Thank you very much for joining us today. Today we will therefore answer this question in the form of a debate. Mrs. Aigrain and Mrs. McClain you will be for and Mrs. Thunerg and Mrs. Shiva you will be against. Are you ready? Let's go !
So, let’s begin with you, Mrs McClain (Audrey). In your opinion, does the space conquest still make sense today?
Audrey :- Oh, the question is vast because it includes, among other things, scientific, sociological, economic and political aspects. This conquest began in 1957 with the sending of the Soviet satellite Sputnik 1 and, in half a century, the Earth's space environment has become a web of communication, research and surveillance satellites. So it is constantly in development. For me, space exploration is necessary and meaningful. Otherwise I wouldn't have become an astronaut either (rires). It encourages curiosity and the discovery of new things.
Axelle : - The universe is infinite and has so much to teach us. It just needs to be explored !
Lorena : Yes of course.
Emilie :- Yes, it's all very well but sorry the earth also has a lot to teach us and also needs us to take care of it as a priority. In addition, there are still so many parts of Earth we have not fully explored ! And the space conquest.
Emma :- You will not make decisive discoveries for many years, certainly not for hundreds of years. And the problems that are developing on Earth require much, much shorter resolution times !
Lorena : Yes, that’s right. But what kind of problems do you mean Mrs Thunberg ?
Emma :- Oh, there are so many problems! (Tu montres t’es pas contente et tout) Soon there will not be enough energy resources, drinking water or food. Demographics are growing exponentially. Nuclear power is proliferating, wars are multiplying... The climate is deteriorating, the hole in the ozone layer is widening. So, yes, the question of meaning is indeed the right question: why do we have to conquer space? To escape what? Our responsibilities towards our planet?
Lorena : What do you mean Mrs Aigrain ?
Axelle :- I'm sorry, but I really don't agree with you right now. (Tu montres qu’elle te saoule) Precisely the aim of the space conquest is, among other things, to satisfy a very great lack of resources such as water or minerals and to find new energies. There will be no more oil in about 40 years. Today's new energies, hydrogen, wind energy, fusion, are far too expensive to be used on a large scale.
Audrey :- And why not have a place where we could settle if there was a big problem on Earth like a sudden change of climate or an explosion of atomic bombs....These catastrophic scenarios are becoming completely feasible today.
Axelle :- Exactly.
Emilie : - I beg your pardon ?(Tu t’enerves) These catastrophic scenarios are becoming completely possible today because instead of wanting to solve the problems directly, you are running away from them as Greta said!
Audrey :- (elle te saoule) Oh please, as if space exploration was responsible for the world's misfortunes.
Lorena : Please keep calm. What you’re saying may be right but then what can space exploration bring to human well-being please Mrs Aigrain ?
Axelle :- Without it, many of the technologies we use on a daily basis would not have been possible, such as GPS or Bluetooth. Without satellites we could not predict the weather, react immediately to global humanitarian disasters, guide farmers in their fields or video-communicate with our family. That's why I don't understand why people like you ignore or even criticize space exploration by forgetting everything it brings you.