Anglais, exercice d'écriture d'une lettre
Cours : Anglais, exercice d'écriture d'une lettre. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar yusraa08 • 28 Janvier 2018 • Cours • 645 Mots (3 Pages) • 948 Vues
You are on holiday with friends in another city and are due to return home in four days’ time. Unfortunately you have an accident, which will prevent you from travelling for at least 2 weeks.
Write a letter to your parents saying:-
- How and where the accident happened
- The treatment required
- What you need for the extra stay
- When and how you will return home
28th October 2017
Hi Mum and Dad,
I hope everything is going on smoothly at home. I’m happy to hear about mum’s promotion at work. On my side, my holidays started really well with my friends until last Friday.
Last Friday was a tragedy. I was with some incredible friends when we were on the beach enjoying the weather, when I did something that I had done already that holiday and for most of my life when I have been by the beach, but this time my life was about to change. All I did was run off the beach and dived into the sea when the damage was done. I remember banging my head on the seabed; I clearly misjudged my dive. I opened my eyes to find I was face down floating in the sea with my arms hanging lifeless in front of me not being able to move anything from my neck down. Never in my life have I been so scared of anything until that moment when I was surrounded by the silence of the sea piercing my ears utterly helpless thinking this was it what am I meant to do to save myself, at that point I have never sworn so many times to myself panicking for my life. I just managed to turn my head hoping someone was there, and I was lucky enough that a friend was there who asked me whether I was okay to try replied no I was not.
I was dragged out the water to the beach. I laid on the beach until the ambulance came. Once I had arrived at the hospital I was rushed to the x-ray department where a few x-rays were taken off my neck, and very soon after the doctor had seen the x-rays, numbing cream was applied to either side of my head and before the cream had had time to work the doctor screwed a screw into either side of my skull. This was for a clamp that had a pulley system attached to it that they were going to hang weights off, this was because the x-rays had shown that I had severely dislocated my neck. The doctor kept me under observation for several days which amount to the fact that I won’t be returning home in four days. The moment I’m writing, I’m lying on the hospital bed, wishing I could enjoy more of the sun. But I can’t, if the pain doesn’t stop in two days, I will do undergo some surgery. This situation is hectic, painful and terrible to live alone. I wish either one of you could fly and stay with me. I need you the most through this difficult time. I don’t know exactly when I will be back home. As soon as I know, I will inform you.
Stay safe,
From your daughter,