Analyse d'une oeuvre en anglais
Fiche de lecture : Analyse d'une oeuvre en anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Emma Leconte • 22 Novembre 2017 • Fiche de lecture • 659 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 619 Vues
Wednesday, Novembre 22nd
Ⅰ) Science fiction
This picture a still from the movie Short Circuit released in 1986.
The plot revolves around
a scientific breakthrough : a very sophisticated robot has been invented
It is bigger, smarter/cleverer/more intelligent
There's a contrast between this robot and the woman :
this emphazies the latter's vulnerability. The robot looks a little like a human being : it has human features (arms, articulated, fingers and wrists).
This suggest that human being and robots live alongside each other.
- Do you share this positive vision of the future ?
+the bright side (to weigh the pros) -The seamy side (and cons)
Robots enable us to do things we We are not used to living with high
never thought possible. Technology.
They allow humans to explore remote The components are harmful for the
places environment (wifi waves).
These machines are risk-free/reliable They might threaten humanity if they get
(we can rely on them) out of control.
Some advences/certain forms of progress can be hazardous/risky
Utopia Distopia