Final tank : Selma
Commentaire d'oeuvre : Final tank : Selma. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar 30506455 • 26 Juin 2019 • Commentaire d'oeuvre • 1 297 Mots (6 Pages) • 570 Vues
I - Why did we choose this type of document and why the movie particularly ?
Baptiste : Contrarly to a picture or a song, we found that we could speak a lot with different scenes there are in a movie. When we were to school we often worked on pictures and we found it really hard to find all the specifics there are in an image because we can interpet it with various manner. It is the same for a song because we already foud it difficult to heard and interpet the song without pictures, to spot all musics instruments who are unmloymented and our risk is to don’t understand the meaning. Futhermore, we are fond of action movies because it’s a generally speaking. For my part, when I was in 3ème, I studied the Selma to Montgomery marches and I saw extract of the battle on the bridge and I found it very violently and outrageous.
Armand : We decided to choose the movie intulted « Selma ». In my opinion i chose a film because i think it is a good way to relate a biography or a story of an iconic character. For me, i didn’t really know specifically the life of Martin luther King and his action. And i think it is important to know a people who changes the destiny of black population. So i wanted to know more about Martin Luther King and the Selma’s to Montgomery march. This fact is also a key moments of the situation’s changement in USA.
Jeanne : Moreover, we decided to choose this movie in order to know more about events who took place on the way between Selma and Montgomerty and understand the ambiton of Martin Luther King. That is why we decided to choose studing a movie and moreover, we found it really original to see a real representation of this period.
II – Presentation and historical context :
Baptiste : Directed by Ava DuVernay after have been written by Ava Duvernay and Paul Webb, Selma is a dramatic and an historical movie who recount the 1965 Selma to Montgomery voting rights marches. This movie relates all the combat of Martin Luther King and of all his leaders comrades like you can see just here Hosea Williams and James Bevel.
Armand : As Baptiste had say this film relate of the Selma to Montgomery march. These march began in March 1965 in Selma. In 1964 the civil right act abolished segregation’s laws and it allow to Black people to vote. But almost in every state black people haven’t the possibility to vote. So the group of doctor Martin Luther King decided to organise marches. At this period people had already heard Montgomery and Luther king together because in 1956 he leaded the boycott of the bus.
They chose Selma because it already have black peple who want to struggle. Otherwhise there is a iconic bridge the EDMUND PETTUS BRIDGE. EP was an high dignitary of ku klux klan. He also represented Alabama state in 1887 until 1907. To finish he was a senior officer of the confederate army during the secession war.therefore it’s totally a symbole to march on this bridge