MBA Dissertation
Dissertation : MBA Dissertation. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Alaa Eddine Benomar • 14 Avril 2020 • Dissertation • 3 061 Mots (13 Pages) • 524 Vues
Research Proposal on:
Human Resource marketing - The challenges of Managing Human resource to face changing business
How to attract, identify and retain the talent in order to obtain organizational efficiency
MBA Cohort 04 – Business Research Module: 404
A research proposal submitted to University of Wales institute Cardiff
Author: Alaa Eddine Benomar
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In times of rapid change and technical change, in a complex and dynamic environment, organizations must strive for superiority, in order to survive and to serve the clients who want more quality and lower price. Corporate leaders and human resources strategists have to take up this challenge of changing work attitudes across the organization, this involves guiding, leading, enabling and motivating people.
This proposal is looking at aligning marketing with recruitment efforts In SOMACA - Renault, to obtain organizational performance. Anticipating customers’ needs, the organization develop specific plans of recruitment, selection and retention of those candidates who satisfy these needs at the highest level. Only anticipating and retaining those “right people at the right time”, an organization may obtain success into a global, dynamic and changing environment.
Keywords: human resources recruitment, advertising, recruitment marketing, recruitment strategies, efficiency
1-1 Introduction ….....................................................................1
1-2 The problem statement…………………………………………………………….7
1-3 Research questions…………………………………………………………………..9
1-4 Purpose & scope of the study…………………………………………………..9
Section TWO :
2-1 Research methodology…………………………………………………………….10
2-2 Research approach……………………………………………….………………….10
2-3 Research strategy…………………………………………………………………….11
2-4 Case study design…………………………………………………………………….11
2-5 Qualitative research………………………………………………………………..12
2-6 Data collection…………………………………………………………………………..13
2-7 Interview………………………………………………………………………………….13
2-8 Gantt chart………………………………………………………………………..…….14
2-9 Reference……………………………………………………………….…………….….15
1-1- Introduction:
The labor market suffers from many years of changes substantial. One example is the reversal of the law supply and demand for talent most critical, or the transformation of the concept of career, and less linear longer necessarily supported by the company.
Meet new needs of talents and skills, business begin to adopt HR marketing, but often the most simple communication to the target easily identifiable and easily receptor, that means candidates.
To continue to grow, companies have been launched few years in the development of marketing policies HR to attract the best potential talent (students)or real (those of the competition). At the same time, they seek to retain their own staff, using traditional marketing techniques dedicated to the capture of human capital (market research, maps of strategic positioning, communication plans and marketing).
Many thoughts on retention strategies were initiated in the field of marketing, the shift from transactional marketing to relationship marketing forcing companies to consider the management of clients in a long-term (Mills, 1998). Thus, it seems relevant to consider the possibility of ownership of certain loyalty marketing tools in HRM, especially as some marketing work has already resulted in models and analytical tools that have demonstrated their effectiveness and that can be applied to the social function (Igalens, 1991). Looking to the question about the identification and dissemination of models, tools and "best practices", we are considering here a reflection on how the management tools developed by an academic community can be made fit for use for académique2 another community. We formulate the hypothesis that certain tools used and studied marketing can have a place in the social function. Our purpose is not to replace the management of human resources through marketing, but to discuss the interest of the ownership of this tools.
Furthermore, with expanding the scope of global competition, it becomes necessary to conduct a ongoing reflection on how the human resource function can provide the best support the rapid pace of globalization of business, if it is to occupy a strategic place in the organizations.
In fact, to thrive in the global competitive environment, companies are adopting policies integration and coordination regionally and globally. At the same time, they must demonstrate responsiveness, flexibility and speed at the local level. They may also try to encourage learning stimulating creativity, innovation and the free flow of ideas across borders. However, they also need a systematic approach of continuous improvement and rigorous cost and quality. For succeed against international competition, they must combine an open and autonomous organizational climate a highly competitive culture precise. In international business, organizational structures and staff are faced with a host of new requirements (more autonomy, more responsibility at all levels of management, a more global market and the company's products ....), without necessarily much information on the strategic objectives of senior management (control with less visibility). However, the current globalization of markets confirms that internationalization has become essential for large businesses.
The objective of this proposal is twofold. To seek firstly to present the issues of ownership of loyalty marketing tools in HRM. Thus, a theoretical discussion on the evolution of marketing allows us to justify and define a "marketing people". Moreover, the issues of retention target audiences both in marketing human resource management are presented. Conventional tools to retain employees sometimes showing a few limitations, human resource management must identify innovative solutions.
Second, to propose an application example of the possibilities of appropriation of these tools, through the implementation of HRM taxonomy of personalization marketing strategies.