Gant robotiser grace à la carte Arduino
Fiche : Gant robotiser grace à la carte Arduino. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar PIANOTU • 14 Décembre 2022 • Fiche • 489 Mots (2 Pages) • 303 Vues
Giani: noire
Mathias: bleu
FUNCTION: This project uses budget elements and DIY pieces to create a fully functional robotic hand that can be controlled by a glove with flexible sensors. It is an introductory project to the world of biomechanical engineering and design. Starting from the basic elements of foam and string, you will explore how physical mechanics are combined with electronic parts to form an attention-grabbing project.
THE COMPONENTS: The creator has chosen components for his projects; we will explain their function to you.
The Arduino card: will serve as the brain, it will receive and transmit the code orders
The foam will make it possible to model the robotic hand
The band will come to solidify everything
The SG90 Micro-servomotor will give finger movement
Paper and pencil will be used to create a flexible sensor
The flexible plastic sheet will allow the flexible sensor to flex
The jumper wires will be used to transmit electricity in the gloves, the ten-thousand-ohm resistor will prevent the glove from overheating.
Breadboard will allow components to be connected without soldering
LIBRARY: To create and make this glove usable, the creator has created an Arduino code. To do this he used a particular library so that the glove adjusts as it should:
-Servo: This library allows an Arduino board to control RC (hobby) servo motors.
-const int: It is a variable qualifier that modifies the behavior of the variable, making a variable "read-only".
-attach: Attaches an object of type Servo to a pin.
-write: Description Writes binary data to the serial port. This data is sent as a byte or series of bytes
-Serial.begin: Sets the communication rate in number of characters per second (unit is baud) for serial communication.
-Serial.println: Prints serial port data as human-readable ASCII text
CREATION: First, create fingers out of foam, springs, tape, and string. Each finger consists of three foam bases (two for the thumb) and a spring embedded through the center of it. String is hot glued to the top foam piece and guided down inside the foam piece. Lastly, tape is used to protect and cover up the foam.
Next, build the palm and the base of the arm. I don't have much documentation on this process, but it should be pretty straightforward. Trace your hand, sculpt a palm shape to hold all the fingers. Create holes on the top of the palm to hold the fingers. The base of the arm contains at least 5 servos and an Arduino Uno together. Make sure the strings can be pulled from the base. Use staples on the palm as supports to guide the strings to the servos. Create indents and glue the servos.
CONCLUSION : (conclusion made by the creator)
This project is working well. It's not as polished, but it does its job considering most of the time everything is done by hand. Alternative options like 3D printing or buying a flexible sensor can improve the experience, but they are expensive. Extensions of this project could include muscle control with an EMG sensor.