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Commis de remplissage

Commentaire d'oeuvre : Commis de remplissage. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Avril 2020  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  1 018 Mots (5 Pages)  •  457 Vues

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Diving Signals



Divers to attendant

Attendant to diver

Diver to attendant and attendant to diver

Distress Signals

Direction or Searching signals

Working signals

Hands and special signals


In the absence of any alternative method, manual signals by line are employed for all communications where two divers or a diver and an attendant are in contact by lifeline.

Manual line signals are of two kinds: PULLS .................Long, steady and distinct pulls. BELLS .................Short, sharp pulls made with the same timing as striking a ship’s bell.

All signals are to be preceded by one pull to attract attention.

All signals received must be acknowledged by repeating the signal (but only if the signal is clearly understood). (1) If a signal is not acknowledged or is acknowledged incorrectly the person making the signal shall repeat it until a correct acknowledgement is received. (2) When a signal is being acknowledged incorrectly the Diving Supervisor may decide to surface the diver to clarify the situation.

Particular care should be taken when diving in deep water and/or strong tides, to ensure the utmost clarity in transmission of signals is achieved. The ability to make and interpret signals in these conditions must remain largely a matter of experience.

Diver to attendant

2 PULLS - Lower me or give me slack.

3 PULLS - Take up my slack.

4 PULLS - Haul me up

Series of single PULLS - means EMERGENCY. Haul me up. (Does not have to be preceded by 1 PULL.)

*NOTE> This signal DOES NOT have to be answered, IMMEDIATE ACTION IS TO BE TAKEN.

Attendant to diver

2 PULLS - When diver descending - stop going down. When diver ascending - you have come up too far - go down until stopped.

3 PULLS - Standby to come up.

4 PULLS - Come up.

4-4 PULLS - Come up, hurry up.

Diver to attendant and attendant to diver

1 PULL - I am OK, Call attention, Made bottom, Left bottom, Interrogative.

2-1 PULL - Send down a rope's end or as previously arranged.

Distress signals

2-2-2 PULLS - I am fouled and need the assistance of another diver.

Direction or searching signals

1 PULL - Search where you are.

2 BELLS - Go to the end of your distance line or jackstay.

3 BELLS - Go to your right.

4 BELLS - Go to your left.

5 BELLS - Come in or turn back if on jackstay.

Working signals

1 PULL - Hold on or stop.

2 BELLS - Lower.

3 BELLS - Pull up.

5 BELLS - Have found, started, or finished my work.

Hand and special signals

i.e. actual <action> signals

"Thumbs up" indicates - I am okay.

"Hand waved across face" indicates - I am in trouble.

"One Diver Recall signal exploded underwater"   indicates ALL DIVERS SURFACE IMMEDIATELY.

"Hand drawn across throat " indicates - Out of air.

"Clenched hand on chest" indicates - Low on air.

"Point to mouthpiece" indicates - Buddy breathe.

CF Dive Course Joining Instruction



About the course

Physical Fitness

Prior to course

Required items

First day





Unit responsibilities


You have been selected as a candidate for diver training at the Fleet Diving Unit (Pacific). We would like to extend a personal welcome to you and provide you with the following Diver Training Joining Instructions to allow you to better prepare


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