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Production orale en continue et interaction

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Par   •  7 Mai 2018  •  Fiche  •  420 Mots (2 Pages)  •  657 Vues

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BTS assistant de Gestion de PME-PMI à Référentiel Commun Européen SESSION

EPREUVE E2 : Production orale en continue et interaction

Situation de communication Professionnelle


Name of the candidate : 

Registration number:

Title of the situation :

Advice/Choice of a dye.

 directly involved

 indirectly inolved


Company name : 

Branch : Commercial

Tasks performed :

 Interactive oral communication                         Handling incoming calls (Reception)

 Oral group communication                                Face-to-Face communication


General context : A customer enters the store and directs himself to the color charts. He asks a seller for advice about a color choice for his hair salon. He hesitates between two shades : red or orange. However, the seller does not find them appropriate for the environment. He helps him choose a color.

Participants : The customer and the seller

Link between the people involed : Asymmetrical distant. The actors do not know each other.

Place : In the store

Duration : 15 minutes

Goals :

  • Stakes for the customer:

Operative: Get advice from the seller.

  • Stakes of the seller:

Identity: Show a good image and prove to the customer that he has the ability to meet his expectations.

Influence: Make the customer change his mind.

Image and notoriety: Give a positive image of the company.

Informational: Transmit information, and express his opinion as a professional.

Form of communication (oral//writen) : Professional, internal, formal

Tools and techniques used to communicate : Color chart interior


List of the facts illustrating the strategies used :

Influence Strategy

Since the seller finds these colors too dark for this type of environment, he offers a lavender color, sky blue or mauve to soothe the spirit of its customers because they are more adapted.

As an advisor, he wants to allow the customer to make the right choice and he will win the customer loyalty.


Assessment of the situation and of its professional impact :

This communication seems easy to implement, but it is not always easy to change the opinion of the interlocutor who is in front of us, especially when he already has his own idea. The seller did not judge for the choices that this customer took, on the contrary has nicely helped him to choose a good color for his hair salon. The client was delighted, which will allow him later to turn to the Seigneurie for other services.


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