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Présentation de John Lennon

Commentaire d'arrêt : Présentation de John Lennon. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Avril 2023  •  Commentaire d'arrêt  •  533 Mots (3 Pages)  •  426 Vues

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Présentation de l’artiste

John Lennon is a famous artist in the world, he was born in ninetheen fourty (1940) in England.

He is a founder of a very famous group music, first called Quarrymen and after it was renamed Beatles. It was componed of four persons :

He was a committed singer : with this sing « Imagine », he is against war and for a world peacefull, but it is also committed with different actions : for exemple in ninetheen sixty nine after his marriage with : yoko ono, he stayed with his wife seven days in a bed for their honeymoon.

John Lennon declared : « it is a private event against the war in vietnam , and for promote a peace world. ».

John Lennon is the symbol of the ''peace and love'' period which began in the 1960s.

During this days in his bed, John Lennon had shot a famous title : « give peace a chance », it is a peaceful anthem. In ninetheen seventy (1970), the Batles was separating, and John Lennon was murdered by a rabid fan, in the ninetheen eighty.

Présentation de la chanson

In ninetheen seventy one (1971), John Lennon has published this album « Imagine » who was componed of 10 titles like crippled inside and jealous guy and of course Imagine, the main song of this album.

This song is mainly composed on the piano, and is accompanied by drums, string instruments and bass.

Imagine is in the first time a sing who denunce the war of Viteneman. The word « imagine » is repeated all time during the song. He made a utopic world without any war.

« Imagine there is no countries » ; « Imagine all the people livin’life in peace » ; « Yhe world will be as one »  

In the first time he denunced implicitly, the war of Vitenam, between ninetheen fifty five (1955) and ninetheen seventy-five (1975), the USA was engaged in the strategy anticommunist. The Vitenam was a communist country. They wanted to overthrow the communist regime. John Lennon denunced this action, but more generaly, all the war. In this song he defended the  brotherhood of men.

Across, with this sing he denunced the world but also the religion and borders,

in effect John Lennon imagines a world without any religion by denouncing the paradise and the hell which divides men and any borders, who divides the persons.

He denunces also, the inequalities and poverty. In this utopic world, all the richness shared by all people. « Imagine there are not possession »

In the last sentence, Jones Lennon said « And the world will live as one », this sentence shows that he wants to send a message of unity.

In his sing we can head, anyway a message of hope : « It’is easy if you try », he think his utopic world, is not unattainable and superfluous.

His sing d’ont denunce only one thing, he denounces a lot of things, imagining a utopian world.

Many sing defend a cause, there are also sing like Blowin' in the Wind, who the ariste give his vision, of a utopic for denunce many things, in Blowin' in the Wind, the artiste deunce also the war of Vitenam.




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