Writing essay
Résumé : Writing essay. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar ineflama • 26 Novembre 2023 • Résumé • 1 961 Mots (8 Pages) • 226 Vues
Maëva Vives, 2de14 They were accidents
It was a warm summer evening and Klausner walked quickly through the front gate and around the side of the house and into the garden at the back. He went on down the garden until he came to a wooden shed and he unlocked the door, went inside and closed the door behind him.
The interior of the shed was an unpainted room, Against one wall, on the left, there was a long wooden workbench, and on it, among a littering of wires and batteries and small sharp tools, there stood a black box about three feet long, the shape of a child’s coffin.
Klausner moved across the room to the box. The top of the box was open, and he bent down and began to poke and peer inside it.
But, how had they get their? Let me give an explanation for it.
Klausner and Linae heard a younger boy crying and running, seemingly as fast as he could. It was Lorry, one in all their classmates. The second he noticed them, evenly sitting on a bench, he reached there in much less than a minute.
"Please help me! He screamed, This man, he's.. he has tried to kill me!"
The young teenager started to point some place in the back of him, however there was nothing, excepting a few students walking to school.
"Are you sure, Lorry? There is no one”, said Linae.
Linae knew a lot of strange things happened, but it wasn’t a reason to be this afraid. Since a week, 2 persons have been found dead. Orville citizens thought it was human death from oldness, however the reality was completely different. Teenagers gossiped in the high school corridors about it, and all of them invented new and terrible stories.
"Someone killed Mr.Al with a knife in his heart", said a few students, "There is serial killer out somewhere in the town and he is getting revenge on all the people he didn’t like”, stated others. When the inspectors noticed the first body, they believed it was a car accident; and the second character seemed to have a few sicknesses, due to the fact there had been medics next to her. But there had been no car accidents reported, and the woman saw her daughter on this very same day, and she hadn't told her she became sick.
After school, on way back home, Klausner was looking at Linae, thinking.
“We should investigate”, he said. “Those death aren't normal, and you know this.”
“Klausner, we’re children. How do you think we could even find clues anywhere?” she answered. Let the polices do their jobs.”
“They already closed the case as banal accidents!” cried Klausner.
“Don’t be like the other teens, Klausner. Don’t believe all this gossip and lies.”
That is how they ended the discussion. Klausner was the type of person who didn't let go when he thought something was off. And it's exactly what the young boy was feeling right now. And Linae... She wanted to trust the authorities.
So, she just ignored everything else.
That night, the two would head home alone, because of this little fight. And later that night, Klausner was head in the clouds because of the young girl. He continued thinking during two more hours about. Linae was getting confortable in her bed in front of the television. She turned on the news.
"A new body have been found this afternoon in Orville, our reporters are live with the police leader in place.”
"Yeah, as you said, a young woman was found at 3 pm near the river passing by Orville. The policemans have declared it was a suicide. What makes you think of that, Inspe-"
Linae shut down the big screen. She was truly annoyed by all the attention those deaths were getting. After all, they were accidents.
The next morning, Klausner, Lorry and Linae met up before school to talk and to continue the rest of the way together. It's true that, for a week, they hadn’t been really peaceful while walking in the street this early, when nobody was up. Even the young lady wanted to be with someone. At school, Klausner was, instead of listening to the lesson, looking for every little hint about the potential murders. And he did find something. On a photo, we could see the number of a house, in a rich part of the town known as an "American Dream" kind of street, where every details looked perfect. But instead of the title "The best city to live in: Orville", they had written "Murder or accident? " Klausner read the article with the most attention he was able to give. The article explained why it was strange that a vehicle accident happened just after the 62 years old man (apparently named Alio) had moved here. It was saying that it may not be an accident but a murder, premeditated by a member of his family or a close friend, when the students stood up and left the class. The bell was ringing.
"Hey! I found something! I was right about the murders and all!” said Klausner excitedly
“You made investigations?! Why aren't you ever listening to me? I told you not to! All of it is only gossip, with no foundment!” yelled Linae
“Jeez, calm down, I just want to know the truth..."
Linae was so red of rage that much, that Klausner and their friends had never saw. And all of them were so stunned, they couldn't even speak.
"Just stop talking about that. You know you're getting on my nervs." she said.
And they simply continued to speak until the next classes they had.