Exposé d'anglais sur les colonies d'abeilles
Discours : Exposé d'anglais sur les colonies d'abeilles. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar studenti • 5 Mars 2023 • Discours • 710 Mots (3 Pages) • 364 Vues
Today, I’m going to talk to you about colony collapse disorder or CCD, a fatal ecological disaster for our environment.
We will see why.
First, Let's go back to what a bee and what its role is.
→ A bee is an insect living in colonies and (k)nown for the honey that it produces.
A hive can hold up to eighty thousand bees and can produce between twenty and thirty kilogram of honey.
A colony depends on the queen and the workers help the queen to lay eggs about two thousand per day.
It’s also a very effective pollinating insect responsible for the reproduction of eighty percent of the world's plant species.
They are therefore of major importance (imˈpôrtns) for biodiversity. As a result, they account for three quarters of plant foods worldwide.
Indeed, pollination allows plants to reproduce (riprodiuce) thanks to the pollen that bees transport from one flower to another, and these flowers are the origin of fruits and vegetables that we consume every day.
Their role is essential (iˈsenCHəl), without them, the majority of crops would disappear causing a shortage of staple foods and this is why CCD is very worrying.
So, what’s the colony collapse disorder ?
→ This is a very rapid, massive, recurrent and unusual disappearance of bee colonies, more precisely, workers of colonies.
The hives are found completely emptied of their bees. ↓
It’s difficult to correctly describe the collapse syndrome disorder.
There are a lot of symptoms and the causes are uncertain. It should be (k)nown that normally a sick bee sacrifices itself,
it leaves to die far from the hive. But here it’s a massive abandonment of thousands of bees.
The first losses (lossis) were reported in Europe in the ninetith and later in two thousand and six in the United States where hundreds of thousands of bees are suddenly disappeared. Very quickly more than thirty five states were affected.
In two thousand and seven, we notice a lot of colony collapses disorder around the world.
The magnitude of the phenomenon suddenly attracts the attention of the media who willn’t hesitate to advance several hypotheses to explain the cause.
In the United States for example, some people suppose that mobile phone waves or even aliens are responsible. The beekeepers think that the problem comes from neonicotinoid pesticides, but this theory doesn’t take long because some states using these pesticides are not affected. Then, the research leads to a virus common to all the bees studied, but despite the fact that this virus is present in all the colonies victims of CCD, this hypothesis is rejected because the symptoms are not the same.
Economically, the CCD has many impact. For example, the price of renting bee colonies has increased from three dollar to nearly one hundred thirty dollars in a few decades, which has had a direct impact on the price of almonds, for example because almond culture directly depends on the pollination of the bees.
Others, seek to make the honeybee more resistant. It should be known that naturally, the bee has an impressive capacity of adaptation.
But the race for yield (ild) has led some beekeepers to cross bees to make them more productive and this has eliminated their natural resistance to disease. As a result, the use of chemicals in colonies is now inevitable.